MechSys  1.0
Computing library for simulations in continuum and discrete mechanics
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /************************************************************************
00002  * MechSys - Open Library for Mechanical Systems                        *
00003  * Copyright (C) 2005 Dorival M. Pedroso                                *
00004  *                                                                      *
00005  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
00006  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
00007  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or    *
00008  * any later version.                                                   *
00009  *                                                                      *
00010  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      *
00011  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of       *
00013  * GNU General Public License for more details.                         *
00014  *                                                                      *
00015  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    *
00016  * along with this program. If not, see <>  *
00017  ************************************************************************/
00019 /* MPoints2D - Copyright (C) 2007 Dorival de Moraes Pedroso */
00021 #ifndef MPM_MPOINTS2D_H
00022 #define MPM_MPOINTS2D_H
00024 // STL
00025 #include <cmath>  // for sqrt, pow, etc.
00026 #include <cfloat> // for DBL_EPSILON
00028 // MechSys
00029 #include <mechsys/util/array.h>
00030 #include <mechsys/models/model.h>
00031 #include <mechsys/models/equilibstate.h>
00033 // Local
00034 #include <mechsys/mpm/defs.h>
00035 #include <mechsys/mpm/grid2d.h>
00036 #include <mechsys/mpm/tensors.h>
00039 namespace MPM {
00041 class MPoints2D
00042 {
00043 public:
00044     static const int NDIM = 2;
00045     typedef std::map<int,Model*> Models_t; 
00048     MPoints2D (size_t nPcell, Grid2D * G,
00049                ptIsPointInGeom pIsPointInGeom,
00050                ptDensity       pDensity,
00051                ptModelData     pModelData,
00052                ptIniVelocity   pIniVelocity,
00053                ptHasTraction   pHasTraction,
00054                ptHasAppDisp    pHasAppDisp,
00055                ptAppDisp       pAppDisp=NULL);
00057     // Destructor
00058     ~MPoints2D ();
00060     // Methods
00061     size_t nPoints      () const { return _p.Size();     } 
00062     size_t nPointsOnBry () const { return _ipbry.Size(); } 
00063     void   SetGrid      (Grid2D * G) { _g = G; }           
00064     void   ReInit       () { _initialize_points(); }       
00066     // Update method
00067     bool TimeUpdate (bool FwEuler, double Dt, ptB pB, ptLdM pLdM, double & t, double & DsE); 
00069     // Set Methods
00070     void SetCPDI (bool UseCPDI=true) { _cpdi = UseCPDI; } 
00071     void SetMPM  (bool UseMPM=true)  { _mpm  = UseMPM;  } 
00072     void SetUSF  (bool DoUSF =true)  { _usf  = DoUSF;   } 
00074     // Access methods
00075     Array<ATensor2> const & Fs   ()         const { return _F;             } 
00076     Array<Vector3D> const & Ps   ()         const { return _p;             } 
00077     Array<Vector3D> const & v    ()         const { return _v;             } 
00078     Array<Vector3D> const & u    ()         const { return _u;             } 
00079     Vector3D        const & P    (size_t i) const { return _p[i];          } 
00080     Vector3D        const & B    (size_t i) const { return _p[_ipbry[i]];  } 
00081     double          const & m    (size_t i) const { return _m[i];          } 
00082     Vector3D        const & f    (size_t i) const { return _f[i];          } 
00083     Vector3D        const & t    (size_t i) const { return _t[i];          } 
00084     Vector3D        const & fu   (size_t i) const { return _fu[i];         } 
00085     Vector3D        const & u    (size_t i) const { return _u[i];          } 
00086     Vector3D        const & v    (size_t i) const { return _v[i];          } 
00087     Vec_t           const & s    (size_t i) const { return _sta[i]->Sig;   } 
00088     Vec_t           const & e    (size_t i) const { return _sta[i]->Eps;   } 
00089     bool                    HasT (size_t i) const { return _has_t[i];      } 
00090     bool                    HasU (size_t i) const { return _has_fu[i];     } 
00091     int                     Clr  (size_t i) const { return _clr[i];        } 
00092     Array<EquilibState*> const & Sta () const { return _sta; }
00094     // Access corners
00095     mutable Array<Vector3D> C; 
00096     void CalcC (size_t p) const 
00097     {
00098         if (NRVEC==2)
00099         {
00100             C[0] = _p[p] - _sg[p].R[0] - _sg[p].R[1];
00101             C[1] = _p[p] + _sg[p].R[0] - _sg[p].R[1];
00102             C[2] = _p[p] + _sg[p].R[0] + _sg[p].R[1];
00103             C[3] = _p[p] - _sg[p].R[0] + _sg[p].R[1];
00104         }
00105         else for (size_t i=0; i<4; ++i) C[i] = _p[p] + _sg[p].R[i];
00106     }
00108     // Limit methods
00109     void MinMaxS    (int iComp, double & MinS, double & MaxS) const; 
00110     void MinMaxE    (int iComp, double & MinE, double & MaxE) const; 
00111     void MinMaxCamp (double & Minp, double & Maxp)            const; 
00112     void MinMaxCamq (double & Minq, double & Maxq)            const; 
00113     void MinMaxVelN (double & MinNv, double & MaxNv)          const; 
00115     // Constants
00116     double MINMASS; 
00118     // Data
00119     Models_t Mdls; 
00121 private:
00122     // Data
00123     bool              _cpdi;             
00124     bool              _mpm;              
00125     bool              _usf;              
00126     size_t            _npcell;           
00127     Grid2D          * _g;                
00128     ptIsPointInGeom   _is_point_in_geom; 
00129     ptDensity         _density;          
00130     ptModelData       _model_data;       
00131     ptIniVelocity     _ini_velocity;     
00132     ptHasTraction     _has_traction;     
00133     ptHasAppDisp      _has_app_disp;     
00134     ptAppDisp         _app_disp;         
00136     // Geometry
00137     Array<Vector3D> _p;     
00138     Array<int>      _ipbry; 
00140     // Data (size == _np)
00141     Array<Vector3D>        _p0;  
00142     Array<double>          _V0;  
00143     Array<double>          _V;   
00144     Array<double>          _m;   
00145     Array<Vector3D>        _f;   
00146     Array<Vector3D>        _u;   
00147     Array<Vector3D>        _v;   
00148     Array<ATensor2>        _F;   
00149     Array<EquilibState*>   _sta; 
00150     Array<ShapeAndGrads2D> _sg;  
00151     Array<Model*>          _mdl; 
00152     Array<int>             _clr; 
00154     // Boundary conditions (size == np)
00155     Array<bool>     _has_t;  
00156     Array<bool>     _has_fu; 
00157     Array<Vector3D> _t;      
00158     Array<Vector3D> _fu;     
00160     // Scratch pad
00161     mutable STensor2 _sp0; 
00162     mutable Vector3D _vn;  
00163     mutable ATensor2 _Lp;  
00164     mutable ATensor2 _DF;  
00166     // Update functions
00167     void _initialize_points ();                                                                                
00168     void _calc_veloc_grad   (size_t p);                                                                        
00169     void _stress_update     (double Dt, double & DsE);                                                         
00170     bool _explicit_update   (double Dt, Vector3D const & B, double LdM, Array<Vector3D> * DqDt, double & DsE); 
00172     // Interpolation functions
00173     double _mpm_snp  (int n, int p, int icomp)    const; 
00174     double _mpm_gnp  (int n, int p, int icomp)    const; 
00175     double _gmpm_snp (int n, int p, int icomp)    const; 
00176     double _gmpm_gnp (int n, int p, int icomp)    const; 
00177     void   _Nnp      (int n, int p, double & N)   const; 
00178     double _S        (int n, Vector3D const & X)  const; 
00179     void   _Snp      (int n, int p, double & S)   const; 
00180     void   _Gnp      (int n, int p, Vector3D & G) const; 
00181 };
00187 /* public */
00189 inline MPoints2D::MPoints2D(size_t nPcell, Grid2D * G, ptIsPointInGeom pIsPointInGeom, ptDensity pDensity, ptModelData pModelData, ptIniVelocity pIniVelocity, ptHasTraction pHasTraction, ptHasAppDisp pHasAppDisp, ptAppDisp pAppDisp)
00190     : MINMASS           (DBL_EPSILON*10.0),
00191       _cpdi             (true),
00192       _mpm              (false),
00193       _usf              (true),
00194       _npcell           (nPcell),
00195       _g                (G),
00196       _is_point_in_geom (pIsPointInGeom),
00197       _density          (pDensity),
00198       _model_data       (pModelData),
00199       _ini_velocity     (pIniVelocity),
00200       _has_traction     (pHasTraction),
00201       _has_app_disp     (pHasAppDisp),
00202       _app_disp         (pAppDisp)
00203 {
00204     C.Resize(4);
00205     _initialize_points();
00206 }
00208 inline MPoints2D::~MPoints2D ()
00209 {
00210     for (size_t i=0; i<_sta.Size(); ++i) if (_sta[i]!=NULL) delete _sta[i];
00211     for (Models_t::iterator it=Mdls.begin(); it!=Mdls.end(); ++it) delete it->second;
00212 }
00214 inline bool MPoints2D::TimeUpdate (bool FwEuler, double Dt, ptB pB, ptLdM pM, double & t, double & DsE)
00215 {
00216     // Check if access to grid was set
00217     if (_g==NULL) return false; // failed
00219     // Variables
00220     double   dsek;
00221     Vector3D bk;
00222     double   Mk;
00224     // Update
00225     if (FwEuler)
00226     {
00227         double nincs = 1;        // Number of sub-increments
00228         double dtk   = Dt/nincs; // Sub-divide time-step
00229         for (int k=0; k<nincs; ++k)
00230         {
00231             // Increments
00232             (*pB) (t+dtk, bk); // Body forces
00233             (*pM) (t+dtk, Mk); // Multiplier for external forces
00235             // Update points
00236             bool ok = _explicit_update (dtk, bk, Mk, &_g->dqdt(), dsek);
00238             // Update time and strain energy
00239             t   += dtk;
00240             DsE += dsek;
00242             // Check
00243             if (!ok) return false;
00244         }
00245         return true;
00246     }
00247     else return false; // not implemented yet
00248 }
00250 inline void MPoints2D::MinMaxS (int iComp, double & MinS, double & MaxS) const
00251 {
00252     if (_sta.Size()<1) { MinS=0; MaxS=0; return; }
00253     MinS = _sta[0]->Sig(iComp);
00254     MaxS = _sta[0]->Sig(iComp);
00255     for (size_t i=1; i<_p.Size(); ++i)
00256     {
00257         if (_sta[i]->Sig(iComp)<MinS) MinS = _sta[i]->Sig(iComp);
00258         if (_sta[i]->Sig(iComp)>MaxS) MaxS = _sta[i]->Sig(iComp);
00259     }
00260 }
00262 inline void MPoints2D::MinMaxE (int iComp, double & MinE, double & MaxE) const
00263 {
00264     if (_sta.Size()<1) { MinE=0; MaxE=0; return; }
00265     MinE = _sta[0]->Eps(iComp);
00266     MaxE = _sta[0]->Eps(iComp);
00267     for (size_t i=1; i<_p.Size(); ++i)
00268     {
00269         if (_sta[i]->Eps(iComp)<MinE) MinE = _sta[i]->Eps(iComp);
00270         if (_sta[i]->Eps(iComp)>MaxE) MaxE = _sta[i]->Eps(iComp);
00271     }
00272 }
00274 inline void MPoints2D::MinMaxCamp (double & Minp, double & Maxp) const
00275 {
00276     if (_sta.Size()<1) { Minp=0; Maxp=0; return; }
00277     Minp = Calc_pcam(_sta[0]->Sig);
00278     Maxp = Minp;
00279     for (size_t i=1; i<_p.Size(); ++i)
00280     {
00281         double p = Calc_pcam(_sta[i]->Sig);
00282         if (p<Minp) Minp = p;
00283         if (p>Maxp) Maxp = p;
00284     }
00285 }
00287 inline void MPoints2D::MinMaxCamq (double & Minq, double & Maxq) const
00288 {
00289     if (_sta.Size()<1) { Minq=0; Maxq=0; return; }
00290     Minq = Calc_qcam(_sta[0]->Sig);
00291     Maxq = Minq;
00292     for (size_t i=1; i<_p.Size(); ++i)
00293     {
00294         double q = Calc_qcam(_sta[i]->Sig);
00295         if (q<Minq) Minq = q;
00296         if (q>Maxq) Maxq = q;
00297     }
00298 }
00300 inline void MPoints2D::MinMaxVelN (double & MinNv, double & MaxNv) const
00301 {
00302     if (_v.Size()<1) { MinNv=0; MaxNv=0; return; }
00303     MinNv = MPM::NormV(_v[0]);
00304     MaxNv = MinNv;
00305     for (size_t i=1; i<_v.Size(); ++i)
00306     {
00307         double nv = MPM::NormV(_v[i]);
00308         if (nv<MinNv) MinNv = nv;
00309         if (nv>MaxNv) MaxNv = nv;
00310     }
00311 }
00314 /* update functions */
00316 inline void MPoints2D::_initialize_points ()
00317 {
00318     // Check input
00319     if (!(_npcell==1 || _npcell==4 || _npcell==9 || _npcell==16)) throw new Fatal("MPoints2D::_initialize_points: Number of points per cell (NPcell=%d) must be 1, 4, 9 or 16.",_npcell);
00321     /*   x  sqrt(x)  2*sqrt(x)  log2(2*sqrt(x))  1/sqrt(x)  1-1/sqrt(x)
00322      *   1        1          2                1       1            0.0
00323      *   4        2          4                2       0.5          0.5
00324      *  16        4          8                3       0.25         0.75
00325      *
00326      *        1                    4                    9                    16
00327      *  1_ _______           1_ _______          1_ ________            1_ _______ 
00328      *    |       |        0.5_|   | _ |_3L/4      |  |  |  |        0.75>|_|_|_|_|<7L/8
00329      *  0_|   _   |_L/2      0_|___|___|         0_|--|--|--|_L/2       0_|_|_|_|_|
00330      *    |       |            |   | _ |_L/4       |--|--|--|             |_|_|_|_|
00331      * -1_|_______|         -1_|___|___|         1_|__|__|__|          -1_|_|_|_|_|<L/8    */
00333     // Gauss points
00334     double sqnpc   = sqrt(static_cast<double>(_npcell));
00335     double gv      = 1.0-1.0/sqnpc; // Gauss point value
00336     double ksi[ 4] = {-1,1,1,-1};   // Natural coordinates
00337     double eta[ 4] = {-1,-1,1,1};   // Natural coordinates
00338     double kgp[16] = {-gv, gv,gv,-gv,  -gv,-gv,       -gv/3.,-gv/3.,-gv/3.,-gv/3.,   gv/3.,gv/3.,gv/3.,gv/3.,   gv,gv       }; // ksi Gauss point
00339     double egp[16] = {-gv,-gv,gv, gv,  -gv/3.,gv/3.,  -gv,-gv/3.,gv/3.,gv,          -gv,-gv/3.,gv/3.,gv,       -gv/3.,gv/3. }; // eta Gauss point
00340     if (_npcell==9)
00341     {
00342         gv = (1.0-(-1.0))/3.0; // one third of cell length in nat cooords
00343         kgp[0]=-gv;   kgp[1]=0.0;   kgp[2]=gv;   kgp[3]=-gv;   kgp[4]=0.0;   kgp[5]=gv;   kgp[6]=-gv;   kgp[7]=0.0;   kgp[8]=gv;
00344         egp[0]=-gv;   egp[1]=-gv;   egp[2]=-gv;  egp[3]=0.0;   egp[4]=0.0;   egp[5]=0.0;  egp[6]=gv;    egp[7]=gv;    egp[8]=gv;
00345     }
00347     // Loop over cells
00348     _p     .Resize(0);
00349     _clr   .Resize(0);
00350     _t     .Resize(0);
00351     _has_t .Resize(0);
00352     _fu    .Resize(0);
00353     _has_fu.Resize(0);
00354     for (size_t c=0; c<_g->nCells(); ++c)
00355     {
00356         // For each cell c, generate _npcell mat points
00357         for (size_t j=0; j<_npcell; ++j)
00358         {
00359             // For each node j, sum the contribution of node c
00360             Vector3D p; p = 0.0;
00361             Array<Vector3D> nodes(4);
00362             for (size_t l=0; l<4; ++l)
00363             {
00364                 nodes[l] = _g->X(_g->C(c)(l));
00365                 double shape = (1.0+ksi[l]*kgp[j])*(1.0+eta[l]*egp[j])/4.0;
00366                 p(0) += shape*nodes[l](0);
00367                 p(1) += shape*nodes[l](1);
00368             }
00370             // Check if the mat point is inside the geometry
00371             int tag = -1;
00372             if ((*_is_point_in_geom)(p, tag))
00373             {
00374                 // Coords
00375                 _p  .Push (p);   // coordinates
00376                 _clr.Push (tag); // clr index
00378                 // Boundary conds - tractions
00379                 _t    .Push(0.0);
00380                 _has_t.Push((*_has_traction) (_p[_p.Size()-1], nodes, _g->L(), _npcell, _t[_p.Size()-1]));
00382                 // Boundary conds - displacements
00383                 _fu    .Push(0.0);
00384                 _has_fu.Push((*_has_app_disp) (_p[_p.Size()-1], nodes, _g->L(), _npcell, _fu[_p.Size()-1]));
00385             }
00386         }
00387     }
00389     // Delete previous EquilibState
00390     for (size_t i=0; i<_sta.Size(); ++i) if (_sta[i]!=NULL) delete _sta[i];
00392     // Delete previous Models
00393     for (Models_t::iterator it=Mdls.begin(); it!=Mdls.end(); ++it) delete it->second;
00394     Mdls.clear();
00396     // Data for models
00397     String name, scheme;
00398     SDPair prms, inis;
00400     // Initialize arrays
00401     _p0 .Resize(_p.Size());
00402     _V0 .Resize(_p.Size());
00403     _V  .Resize(_p.Size());
00404     _m  .Resize(_p.Size());
00405     _f  .Resize(_p.Size());
00406     _u  .Resize(_p.Size());
00407     _v  .Resize(_p.Size());
00408     _F  .Resize(_p.Size());
00409     _sta.Resize(_p.Size());
00410     _sg .Resize(_p.Size());
00411     _mdl.Resize(_p.Size());
00412     double mt = 0.0; // total mass
00413     for (size_t p=0; p<_p.Size(); ++p)
00414     {
00415         double lx = 0.5*_g->L(0)/sqnpc; // half-length
00416         double ly = 0.5*_g->L(1)/sqnpc; // half-length
00417         _p0  [p] = _p[p];
00418         _V0  [p] = 4.0*lx*ly;
00419         _V   [p] = _V0[p];
00420         _m   [p] = _V[p] * (*_density) (_p[p]);
00421         _f   [p] = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0;
00422         _u   [p] = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0;
00423         _v   [p] = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0;
00424         (*_ini_velocity) (_p[p], _v[p]);
00425         _F   [p] = 1.0,1.0,1.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0;
00426         if (NRVEC==2)
00427         {
00428             _sg[p].R0[0] = lx, 0., 0.;
00429             _sg[p].R0[1] = 0., ly, 0.;
00430         }
00431         else
00432         {
00433             _sg[p].R0[0] = -lx, -ly, 0.0;
00434             _sg[p].R0[1] =  lx, -ly, 0.0;
00435             _sg[p].R0[2] =  lx,  ly, 0.0;
00436             _sg[p].R0[3] = -lx,  ly, 0.0;
00437         }
00438         for (size_t k=0; k<NRVEC; ++k) _sg[p].R[k] = _sg[p].R0[k];
00439         mt += _m[p];
00441         // allocate models and set initial state
00442         int tag = -1;
00443         (*_model_data) (_p[p], name, tag, NDIM, prms, inis, scheme);
00444         Models_t::iterator it = Mdls.find(tag);
00445         if (it==Mdls.end())
00446         {
00447             Mdls[tag] = AllocModel (name, NDIM, prms, NULL);
00448             it = Mdls.find(tag);
00449             if (scheme!="") it->second->SUp.SetScheme (scheme);
00450         }
00451         _mdl[p] = it->second;
00452         _sta[p] = new EquilibState (NDIM);
00453         _mdl[p]->InitIvs (inis, _sta[p]);
00454     }
00455     std::cout << "MPoints2D::_initialize_points: total mass = " << mt << std::endl;
00456 }
00458 inline void MPoints2D::_calc_veloc_grad (size_t p)
00459 {
00460     _Lp = 0.,0.,0., 0.,0.,0., 0.,0.,0.;
00461     for (n2i_it it=_sg[p].n2i.begin(); it!=_sg[p].n2i.end(); ++it)
00462     {
00463         int n = it->first;                             // grid node number
00464         int i = it->second;                            // index in N,S,G
00465         _vn = 0., 0., 0.;                              // node velocity
00466         if (_g->m(n)>MINMASS) _vn = _g->q(n)/_g->m(n); // node velocity
00467         if (_g->IsFixed(n,0)) _vn(0) = 0.0;            // Fix nodes: x-direction
00468         if (_g->IsFixed(n,1)) _vn(1) = 0.0;            // Fix nodes: y-direction
00469         DyadUp (_vn, _sg[p].G[i],  _Lp);               // Lp += vp dyad G
00470     }
00471 }
00473 inline void MPoints2D::_stress_update (double Dt, double & DsE)
00474 {
00475     DsE = 0.0;
00476     for (size_t p=0; p<_p.Size(); ++p)
00477     {
00478         // Compute velocity gradient: _Lp
00479         _calc_veloc_grad (p);
00481         // Update F and stress state
00482         DsE += _mdl[p]->SUp.Update (Dt, _Lp, _F[p], _sta[p]) * _V[p];
00484         // Update volume
00485         _V[p] = Det(_F[p]) * _V0[p];
00487         // Update centre-to-corner vectors
00488         for (size_t i=0; i<NRVEC; ++i) Dot (_F[p], _sg[p].R0[i], _sg[p].R[i]);
00489     }
00490 }
00492 inline bool MPoints2D::_explicit_update (double Dt, Vector3D const & B, double LdM, Array<Vector3D> * DqDt, double & DsE)
00493 {
00494     // 1) Discard previous grid
00495     _g->ClearState();
00497     // 2) Compute interpolation values
00498     if (_cpdi)
00499     {
00500         for (size_t p=0; p<_p.Size(); ++p)
00501         {
00502             CalcC(p); // calculate corners
00503             _sg[p].n2i.clear();
00504             int k = 0.0;
00505             for (size_t i=0; i<4; ++i) // for each corner i
00506             {
00507                 int l   = static_cast<int>((C[i](0)-_g->xMin())/_g->L(0)); // left-grid-index
00508                 int b   = static_cast<int>((C[i](1)-_g->yMin())/_g->L(1)); // bottom-grid-index
00509                 int r   = l+1;                                             // right-grid-index
00510                 int t   = b+1;                                             // top-grid-index
00511                 int nlb = l+b*_g->nCol();
00512                 int nrb = r+b*_g->nCol();
00513                 int nlt = l+t*_g->nCol();
00514                 int nrt = r+t*_g->nCol();
00515                 _sg[p].n2i[nlb]=k;  _Nnp(nlb,p,_sg[p].N[k]);  _Snp(nlb,p,_sg[p].S[k]);  _Gnp(nlb,p,_sg[p].G[k]);  k++;
00516                 _sg[p].n2i[nrb]=k;  _Nnp(nrb,p,_sg[p].N[k]);  _Snp(nrb,p,_sg[p].S[k]);  _Gnp(nrb,p,_sg[p].G[k]);  k++;
00517                 _sg[p].n2i[nlt]=k;  _Nnp(nlt,p,_sg[p].N[k]);  _Snp(nlt,p,_sg[p].S[k]);  _Gnp(nlt,p,_sg[p].G[k]);  k++;
00518                 _sg[p].n2i[nrt]=k;  _Nnp(nrt,p,_sg[p].N[k]);  _Snp(nrt,p,_sg[p].S[k]);  _Gnp(nrt,p,_sg[p].G[k]);  k++;
00519             }
00520         }
00521     }
00522     else
00523     {
00524         int nctb = (_mpm ? 2 : 4); // number of contributions
00525         for (size_t p=0; p<_p.Size(); ++p)
00526         {
00527             _sg[p].n2i.clear();
00528             int k   = 0;
00529             int lbn = _g->LBN(_p[p], _mpm); // Compute reference node
00530             for (int i=0; i<nctb; ++i)
00531             for (int j=0; j<nctb; ++j)
00532             {
00533                 int n = lbn+i+j*_g->nCol(); // grid node number
00534                 _sg[p].n2i[n] = k;          // set map: node => index in S,N,G
00535                 _Nnp (n,p, _sg[p].N[k]);    // calc interpolation function (C0)
00536                 _Snp (n,p, _sg[p].S[k]);    // calc interpolation function (C1)
00537                 _Gnp (n,p, _sg[p].G[k]);    // calc deriv. interp. function
00538                 k++;
00539             }
00540         }
00541     }
00543     // 3) Initialize grid state (mass and momentum)
00544     for (size_t p=0; p<_p.Size(); ++p)
00545     {
00546         for (n2i_it it=_sg[p].n2i.begin(); it!=_sg[p].n2i.end(); ++it)
00547         {
00548             int n = it->first;                   // grid node number
00549             int i = it->second;                  // index in N,S,G
00550             _g->m(n) += _sg[p].S[i]*_m[p];       // node mass
00551             _g->q(n) += _sg[p].S[i]*_m[p]*_v[p]; // node momentum
00552         }
00553     }
00555     // 4) (USF) Update strain and stress
00556     if (_usf) _stress_update (Dt, DsE);
00558     // 5) Compute internal and external forces
00559     for (size_t p=0; p<_p.Size(); ++p)
00560     {
00561         for (n2i_it it=_sg[p].n2i.begin(); it!=_sg[p].n2i.end(); ++it)
00562         {
00563             int n = it->first;                                   // grid node number
00564             int i = it->second;                                  // index in N,S,G
00565             ScDotUp (_V[p],_sta[p]->Sig,_sg[p].G[i], _g->fi(n)); // fi += V_p*Sig.G
00566             _g->fe(n) += (_sg[p].S[i]*_m[p])*B;                  // fe += mp*b*S
00567             if (_has_t[p]) _g->fe(n) += LdM*_sg[p].N[i]*_t[p];   // fe += int(S*t)dA
00568         }
00569     }
00571     // 6) Compute rate of momentum and momentum
00572     for (size_t n=0; n<_g->nNodes(); ++n)
00573     {
00574         (*DqDt)[n] = _g->fe(n) - _g->fi(n); // Nodes rate of momentum
00575         _g->q(n)  += (*DqDt)[n]*Dt;         // Update nodes momentum
00576         if (_g->IsFixed(n,0)) { (*DqDt)[n](0)=0.0;  _g->q(n)(0)=0.0; } // Fix nodes: x-direction
00577         if (_g->IsFixed(n,1)) { (*DqDt)[n](1)=0.0;  _g->q(n)(1)=0.0; } // Fix nodes: y-direction
00578     }
00580     // 7) Update material points
00581     for (size_t p=0; p<_p.Size(); ++p)
00582     {
00583         // Update position and velocity
00584         for (n2i_it it=_sg[p].n2i.begin(); it!=_sg[p].n2i.end(); ++it)
00585         {
00586             int n = it->first;  // grid node number
00587             int i = it->second; // index in N,S,G
00588             if (_g->m(n)>MINMASS)
00589             {
00590                 _p[p] += (Dt*_sg[p].S[i]/_g->m(n))*_g->q(n);   // point position
00591                 _v[p] += (Dt*_sg[p].S[i]/_g->m(n))*(*DqDt)[n]; // point velocity
00592                 _f[p] +=     _sg[p].S[i]*_g->fe(n);            // point force
00593             }
00594         }
00596         // Update displacements
00597         _u[p] = _p[p] - _p0[p];
00599         // Check
00600         if (!_g->IsInside(_p[p], /*WithBorder*/true))
00601         {
00602             std::cout << "  Error: Material point moved outside the valid region inside the grid (with borders)" << std::endl;
00603             return false;
00604         }
00605     }
00607     // 8) (USL) Update strain and stress
00608     if (!_usf) _stress_update (Dt, DsE);
00610     // end
00611     return true;
00612 }
00615 /* interpolation functions */
00617 inline double MPoints2D::_mpm_snp (int n, int p, int icomp) const
00618 {
00619     double d = _p[p](icomp)-_g->x(n)(icomp);
00620     double L = _g->L(icomp);
00621     return (d<=-L  ? 0.0     :
00622            (d>  L  ? 0.0     :
00623            (d<=0.0 ? 1.0+d/L :
00624                      1.0-d/L )));
00625 }
00627 inline double MPoints2D::_mpm_gnp (int n, int p, int icomp) const
00628 {
00629     double d = _p[p](icomp)-_g->x(n)(icomp);
00630     double L = _g->L(icomp);
00631     return (d<=-L   ?  0.0   :
00632            (d>  L   ?  0.0   :
00633            (d<= 0.0 ?  1.0/L :
00634                       -1.0/L )));
00635 }
00637 inline double MPoints2D::_gmpm_snp (int n, int p, int icomp) const
00638 {
00639     double d  = _p[p](icomp)-_g->x(n)(icomp);
00640     double L  = _g->L(icomp);
00641     double lp = fabs(_sg[p].R0[0](icomp));
00642     return (d<=-L-lp ? 0.0                        :
00643            (d>  L+lp ? 0.0                        :
00644            (d<=-L+lp ? pow(L+lp+d,2.0)/(4.0*L*lp) :
00645            (d<=  -lp ? 1.0+d/L                    :
00646            (d<=   lp ? 1.0-(d*d+lp*lp)/(2.0*L*lp) :
00647            (d<= L-lp ? 1.0-d/L                    :
00648                        pow(L+lp-d,2.0)/(4.0*L*lp) ))))));
00649 }
00651 inline double MPoints2D::_gmpm_gnp (int n, int p, int icomp) const
00652 {
00653     double d  = _p[p](icomp)-_g->x(n)(icomp);
00654     double L  = _g->L(icomp);
00655     double lp = fabs(_sg[p].R0[0](icomp));
00656     return (d<=-L-lp ? 0.0                  :
00657            (d>  L+lp ? 0.0                  :
00658            (d<=-L+lp ? (L+d+lp)/(2.0*L*lp)  :
00659            (d<=  -lp ? 1.0/L                :
00660            (d<=   lp ? -d/(L*lp)            :
00661            (d<= L-lp ? -1.0/L               :
00662                        (-L+d-lp)/(2.0*L*lp) ))))));
00663 }
00665 inline void MPoints2D::_Nnp (int n, int p, double & N) const
00666 {
00667     N = _mpm_snp(n,p,0)*_mpm_snp(n,p,1);
00668 }
00670 inline double MPoints2D::_S (int n, Vector3D const & X) const
00671 {
00672     double dx = X(0)-_g->x(n)(0);
00673     double dy = X(1)-_g->x(n)(1);
00674     double sx = ( dx<-_g->L(0) || dx>_g->L(0) ? 0.0 : (dx<0.0 ? 1.0+dx/_g->L(0) : 1.0-dx/_g->L(0)) );
00675     double sy = ( dy<-_g->L(1) || dy>_g->L(1) ? 0.0 : (dy<0.0 ? 1.0+dy/_g->L(1) : 1.0-dy/_g->L(1)) );
00676     return sx*sy;
00677 }
00679 inline void MPoints2D::_Snp (int n, int p, double & S) const
00680 {
00681     if (_cpdi)
00682     {
00683         // remember to calculate corners first !!!
00684         S = (_S(n,C[0])+_S(n,C[1])+_S(n,C[2])+_S(n,C[3]))/4.0;
00685     }
00686     else
00687     {
00688         if (_mpm) S = _mpm_snp (n,p,0)*_mpm_snp (n,p,1);
00689         else      S = _gmpm_snp(n,p,0)*_gmpm_snp(n,p,1);
00690     }
00691 }
00693 inline void MPoints2D::_Gnp (int n, int p, Vector3D & G) const 
00694 {
00695     if (_cpdi)
00696     {
00697         // remember to calculate corners first !!!
00698         double a = _S(n,C[0]) - _S(n,C[2]);
00699         double b = _S(n,C[1]) - _S(n,C[3]);
00700         G = (a*(_sg[p].R[0](1)-_sg[p].R[1](1))+b*(_sg[p].R[0](1)+_sg[p].R[1](1)))/_V[p],
00701             (a*(_sg[p].R[1](0)-_sg[p].R[0](0))-b*(_sg[p].R[1](0)+_sg[p].R[0](0)))/_V[p],  0.0;
00702     }
00703     else
00704     {
00705         if (_mpm) G = _mpm_snp (n,p,1)*_mpm_gnp (n,p,0),  _mpm_snp (n,p,0)*_mpm_gnp (n,p,1),  0.0;
00706         else      G = _gmpm_snp(n,p,1)*_gmpm_gnp(n,p,0),  _gmpm_snp(n,p,0)*_gmpm_gnp(n,p,1),  0.0;
00707     }
00708 }
00710 }; // namespace MPM
00712 #endif // MPM_MPOINTS2D_H
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