MechSys  1.0
Computing library for simulations in continuum and discrete mechanics
Namespaces | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
/home/dorival/mechsys/lib/linalg/matvec.h File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <blitz/tinyvec-et.h>
#include <blitz/tinymat.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_eigen.h>
#include <mechsys/util/fatal.h>
#include <mechsys/util/util.h>
#include <mechsys/util/array.h>
#include <mechsys/linalg/vector.h>
#include <mechsys/linalg/matrix.h>
#include <mechsys/linalg/laexpr.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  OrthoSys

Orthogonal Cartesian system.


typedef LinAlg::Vector< double > Vec_t
typedef LinAlg::Matrix< double > Mat_t
typedef blitz::TinyMatrix
< double, 3, 3 > 
typedef blitz::TinyVector
< double, 3 > 
typedef blitz::TinyVector
< size_t, 3 > 
typedef blitz::TinyVector
< bool, 3 > 
typedef blitz::TinyVector
< double, 9 > 
 Assymmetric 2nd order tensor: for deformation gradient (F), velocity gradient (l), ...


void dgetrf_ (const int *m, const int *n, double *a, const int *lda, int *ipiv, int *info)
void dgetri_ (const int *n, double *a, const int *lda, int *ipiv, double *work, const int *lwork, int *info)
void dgesvd_ (const char *jobu, const char *jobvt, const int *M, const int *N, double *A, const int *lda, double *S, double *U, const int *ldu, double *VT, const int *ldvt, double *work, const int *lwork, const int *info)
void dgesv_ (int *Np, int *NRHSp, double *A, int *LDAp, int *IPIVp, double *B, int *LDBp, int *INFOp)
double dot (Vec_t const &V, Vec_t const &W)
size_t size (Vec_t const &V)
void set_to_zero (Vec_t &V)
void set_to_zero (Mat_t &M)
size_t num_rows (Vec_t const &V)
size_t num_rows (Mat_t const &M)
size_t num_cols (Mat_t const &M)
String PrintVector (Vec_t const &V, char const *Fmt="%13g", Array< long > const *SkipR=NULL, double Tol=1.0e-13)
String PrintMatrix (Mat_t const &M, char const *Fmt="%13g", Array< long > const *SkipRC=NULL, double Tol=1.0e-13, bool NumPy=false)
void WriteSMAT (Mat_t const &M, char const *FileKey, double Tol=1.0e-14)
double CompareVectors (Vec_t const &A, Vec_t const &B)
double CompareMatrices (Mat_t const &A, Mat_t const &B)
double CheckDiagonal (Mat_t const &M, bool CheckUnitDiag=false)
double Det (Mat_t const &M)
void Identity (size_t NRows, Mat_t &I)
void Svd (Mat_t const &M, Mat_t &U, Vec_t &S, Mat_t &Vt)
void Inv (Mat_t const &M, Mat_t &Mi, double Tol=1.0e-10)
void Sol (Mat_t &M, Vec_t &X)
void Sol (Mat_t const &M, Vec_t const &B, Vec_t &X)
double Norm (Vec_t const &V)
void Dyad (Vec_t const &A, Vec_t const &B, Mat_t &M)
void Mult (Vec_t const &A, Mat_t const &M, Vec_t &B)
void Vec2ColMat (Vec_t const &V, Mat_t &M)
void Eig (Mat_t &M, Vec_t &L, Mat_t *Q=NULL, bool Qtrans=false)
String PrintVector (Vec3_t const &V, char const *Fmt="%13g", double Tol=1.0e-13)
String PrintMatrix (Mat3_t const &M, char const *Fmt="%13g", double Tol=1.0e-13)
double CompareVectors (Vec3_t const &A, Vec3_t const &B)
double CompareMatrices (Mat3_t const &A, Mat3_t const &B)
void Trans (Mat3_t const &M, Mat3_t &Mt)
double Det (Mat3_t const &M)
void Identity (Mat3_t &I)
void Inv (Mat3_t const &M, Mat3_t &Mi, double Tol=1.0e-10)
void Sol (Mat3_t const &M, Vec3_t const &B, Vec3_t &X, double Tol=1.0e-10)
void Eig (Mat3_t &M, Vec3_t &L)
void Eig (Mat3_t &M, Vec3_t &L, Vec3_t &V0, Vec3_t &V1, Vec3_t &V2, bool SortAsc=false, bool SortDesc=false)
double Norm (Vec3_t const &V)
void Dyad (Vec3_t const &A, Vec3_t const &B, Mat3_t &M)
void Dyad (double s, Vec3_t const &A, Vec3_t const &B, Mat3_t &M)
void Mult (Vec3_t const &A, Mat3_t const &M, Vec3_t &B)
void Mult (Mat3_t const &A, Mat3_t const &B, Mat3_t &M)
void set_to_zero (Vec3_t &V)
void set_to_zero (Mat3_t &M)
int OrthoSys::__init_ortho_sys ()
void Ten2Mat (Vec_t const &Ten, Mat3_t &Mat)
void Ten2Mat (Vec_t const &Ten, Mat_t &Mat)
void Mat2Ten (Mat3_t const &Mat, Vec_t &Ten, size_t NumComponents, bool CheckSymmetry=true, double Tol=1.0e-10)
void UnitVecDeriv (Vec_t const &n, Vec_t &nu, Mat_t &dnudn, double Tol=1.0e-8)
void UnitVecDeriv (Vec3_t const &n, Vec3_t &nu, Mat3_t &dnudn, double Tol=1.0e-8)
void Sym (double a, ATensor2 const &T, size_t NCp, Vec_t &S)
void Dot (ATensor2 const &A, ATensor2 const &B, ATensor2 &C)
void AddSkewTimesOp1 (ATensor2 const &L, Vec_t const &S, Vec_t &R, double Tol=1.0e-14)
double Det (ATensor2 const &F)
void CalcLCauchyGreen (ATensor2 const &F, size_t NCp, Vec_t &b, double Tol=1.0e-14)
void Mult (Vec_t const &Sig, Vec3_t const &n, Vec3_t &t)
void Dev (Vec_t const &Ten, Vec_t &DevTen)
double Tra (Vec_t const &Ten)
void Pow2 (Vec_t const &Ten, Vec_t &Ten2)
double Det (Vec_t const &Ten)
void Inv (Vec_t const &T, Vec_t &Ti, double Tol=1.0e-10)
void CharInvs (Vec_t const &Ten, double &I1, double &I2, double &I3)
void CharInvs (Vec_t const &Ten, double &I1, double &I2, double &I3, Vec_t &dI1dTen, Vec_t &dI2dTen, Vec_t &dI3dTen)
void DerivInv (Vec_t const &A, Vec_t &Ai, Mat_t &dInvA_dA, double Tol=1.0e-10)
void Eig (Vec_t const &Ten, Vec3_t &L, Vec3_t &V0, Vec3_t &V1, Vec3_t &V2, bool SortAsc=false, bool SortDesc=false)
void EigenProj (Vec_t const &Ten, Vec3_t &L, Vec3_t &v0, Vec3_t &v1, Vec3_t &v2, Vec_t &P0, Vec_t &P1, Vec_t &P2, bool SortAsc=false, bool SortDesc=false)
void EigenProjAnalytic (Vec_t const &Ten, Vec3_t &L, Vec_t &P0, Vec_t &P1, Vec_t &P2)
void Calc_I (size_t NCp, Vec_t &I)
void Calc_IIsym (size_t NCp, Mat_t &IIsym)
void Calc_IdyI (size_t NCp, Mat_t &IdyI)
void Calc_Psd (size_t NCp, Mat_t &Psd)
void Calc_Piso (size_t NCp, Mat_t &Piso)
void EigenProjDerivs (Vec_t const &A, Vec3_t &L, Vec3_t &v0, Vec3_t &v1, Vec3_t &v2, Vec_t &P0, Vec_t &P1, Vec_t &P2, Mat_t &dP0dA, Mat_t &dP1dA, Mat_t &dP2dA, double Pertubation=1.0e-7, double Tol=1.0e-14, bool SortAsc=false, bool SortDesc=false)
double Calc_pcam (Vec_t const &Sig)
double Calc_ev (Vec_t const &Eps)
double Calc_qcam (Vec_t const &Sig)
double Calc_ed (Vec_t const &Eps)
double Calc_poct (Vec_t const &Sig)
double Calc_evoct (Vec_t const &Eps)
double Calc_qoct (Vec_t const &Sig)
double Calc_edoct (Vec_t const &Eps)
void Calc_pqoct (Vec_t const &Sig, double &p, double &q)
void OctInvs (Vec_t const &Sig, double &p, double &q, double &t, double qTol=1.0e-8)
void OctInvs (Vec_t const &Sig, double &p, double &q, Vec_t &s, double qTol=1.0e-8, bool ApplyPertub=false)
void OctInvs (Vec_t const &Sig, double &p, double &q, double &t, double &th, Vec_t &s, double qTol=1.0e-8, Vec_t *dthdSig=NULL, bool ApplyPertub=false)
void OctInvs (Vec3_t const &L, double &p, double &q, double &t, double qTol=1.0e-8)
void OctInvs (Vec3_t const &L, double &p, double &q, double &t, Vec3_t &dpdL, Vec3_t &dqdL, Vec3_t &dtdL, double qTol=1.0e-8)
void pqth2L (double p, double q, double th, Vec3_t &L, char const *Type="oct")
void OctDerivs (Vec3_t const &L, double &p, double &q, double &t, Mat3_t &dpqthdL, double qTol=1.0e-8)
void InvOctDerivs (Vec3_t const &Lsorted, double &p, double &q, double &t, Mat3_t &dLdpqth, double qTol=1.0e-8)
double Phi2M (double Phi, char const *Type="oct")
double M2Phi (double M, char const *Type="oct")
double Calc_K (double E, double nu)
double Calc_G (double E, double nu)
double Calc_lam (double E, double nu)
double Calc_G_ (double K, double nu)
double Calc_E (double K, double G)
double Calc_E_ (double K, double nu)
double Calc_nu (double K, double G)


Vec3_t OrthoSys::O
Vec3_t OrthoSys::e0
Vec3_t OrthoSys::e1
Vec3_t OrthoSys::e2
Mat3_t OrthoSys::I
int OrthoSys::__dummy_init_ortho_sys = __init_ortho_sys()

Typedef Documentation

typedef blitz::TinyVector<double,9> ATensor2

Assymmetric 2nd order tensor: for deformation gradient (F), velocity gradient (l), ...

typedef blitz::TinyVector<bool,3> bVec3_t
typedef blitz::TinyVector<size_t,3> iVec3_t
typedef blitz::TinyMatrix<double,3,3> Mat3_t

3x3 Matrix.

typedef LinAlg::Matrix<double> Mat_t
typedef blitz::TinyVector<double,3> Vec3_t

3x1 Vector.

typedef LinAlg::Vector<double> Vec_t

Function Documentation

void AddSkewTimesOp1 ( ATensor2 const &  L,
Vec_t const &  S,
Vec_t R,
double  Tol = 1.0e-14 
) [inline]

Add R to operation involving skew and symm tensors: R += w*S - S*w, in which w = skew(L) = 0.5*(L-L^T).

double Calc_E ( double  K,
double  G 
) [inline]

Calculate E given K and G.

double Calc_E_ ( double  K,
double  nu 
) [inline]

Calculate E given K and nu.

double Calc_ed ( Vec_t const &  Eps) [inline]
double Calc_edoct ( Vec_t const &  Eps) [inline]
double Calc_ev ( Vec_t const &  Eps) [inline]
double Calc_evoct ( Vec_t const &  Eps) [inline]
double Calc_G ( double  E,
double  nu 
) [inline]

Calculate G given E and nu.

double Calc_G_ ( double  K,
double  nu 
) [inline]

Calculate G given K and nu.

void Calc_I ( size_t  NCp,
Vec_t I 
) [inline]

Initialize second order identity tensor.

void Calc_IdyI ( size_t  NCp,
Mat_t IdyI 
) [inline]

Initialize IdyI fourth order tensor.

void Calc_IIsym ( size_t  NCp,
Mat_t IIsym 
) [inline]

Initialize fourth order identity tensor.

double Calc_K ( double  E,
double  nu 
) [inline]

Calculate K given E and nu.

double Calc_lam ( double  E,
double  nu 
) [inline]

Calculate lam given E and nu.

double Calc_nu ( double  K,
double  G 
) [inline]

Calculate nu given K and G.

double Calc_pcam ( Vec_t const &  Sig) [inline]

Derivatives of the eigenvectors of Sig w.r.t Sig (a third order tensor). NOTE: the eigevalues and eigenvectors must be given as input.

void Calc_Piso ( size_t  NCp,
Mat_t Piso 
) [inline]

Initialize fourth order isotropic tensor.

double Calc_poct ( Vec_t const &  Sig) [inline]
void Calc_pqoct ( Vec_t const &  Sig,
double &  p,
double &  q 
) [inline]
void Calc_Psd ( size_t  NCp,
Mat_t Psd 
) [inline]

Initialize fourth order symmetric-deviatoric tensor.

double Calc_qcam ( Vec_t const &  Sig) [inline]
double Calc_qoct ( Vec_t const &  Sig) [inline]
void CalcLCauchyGreen ( ATensor2 const &  F,
size_t  NCp,
Vec_t b,
double  Tol = 1.0e-14 
) [inline]

Calculate left Cauchy-Green tensor: b = F*F^T.

void CharInvs ( Vec_t const &  Ten,
double &  I1,
double &  I2,
double &  I3 
) [inline]

Characteristic invariants of 2nd order symmetric tensor Ten.

void CharInvs ( Vec_t const &  Ten,
double &  I1,
double &  I2,
double &  I3,
Vec_t dI1dTen,
Vec_t dI2dTen,
Vec_t dI3dTen 
) [inline]

Characteristic invariants of 2nd order symmetric tensor Ten and their derivatives.

double CheckDiagonal ( Mat_t const &  M,
bool  CheckUnitDiag = false 
) [inline]

Check if matrix is diagonal.

double CompareMatrices ( Mat_t const &  A,
Mat_t const &  B 
) [inline]

Compare two matrices.

double CompareMatrices ( Mat3_t const &  A,
Mat3_t const &  B 
) [inline]

Compare two matrices.

double CompareVectors ( Vec_t const &  A,
Vec_t const &  B 
) [inline]

Compare two vectors.

double CompareVectors ( Vec3_t const &  A,
Vec3_t const &  B 
) [inline]

Compare two vectors.

void DerivInv ( Vec_t const &  A,
Vec_t Ai,
Mat_t dInvA_dA,
double  Tol = 1.0e-10 
) [inline]

Derivative of the Inverse of A w.r.t A.

double Det ( Mat_t const &  M) [inline]


double Det ( Mat3_t const &  M) [inline]


double Det ( ATensor2 const &  F) [inline]

Determinant of F.

double Det ( Vec_t const &  Ten) [inline]

Determinant of 2nd order symmetric tensor Ten.

void Dev ( Vec_t const &  Ten,
Vec_t DevTen 
) [inline]

Deviator of 2nd order symmetric tensor Ten.

void dgesv_ ( int *  Np,
int *  NRHSp,
double *  A,
int *  LDAp,
int *  IPIVp,
double *  B,
int *  LDBp,
int *  INFOp 
void dgesvd_ ( const char *  jobu,
const char *  jobvt,
const int *  M,
const int *  N,
double *  A,
const int *  lda,
double *  S,
double *  U,
const int *  ldu,
double *  VT,
const int *  ldvt,
double *  work,
const int *  lwork,
const int *  info 
void dgetrf_ ( const int *  m,
const int *  n,
double *  a,
const int *  lda,
int *  ipiv,
int *  info 
void dgetri_ ( const int *  n,
double *  a,
const int *  lda,
int *  ipiv,
double *  work,
const int *  lwork,
int *  info 
double dot ( Vec_t const &  V,
Vec_t const &  W 
) [inline]
void Dot ( ATensor2 const &  A,
ATensor2 const &  B,
ATensor2 C 
) [inline]

Dot product: C=A*B => C(i,j)=A(i,k)*B(k,j)

void Dyad ( Vec_t const &  A,
Vec_t const &  B,
Mat_t M 
) [inline]

Dyadic product.

void Dyad ( Vec3_t const &  A,
Vec3_t const &  B,
Mat3_t M 
) [inline]

Dyadic product.

void Dyad ( double  s,
Vec3_t const &  A,
Vec3_t const &  B,
Mat3_t M 
) [inline]

Dyadic product multiplied by s.

void Eig ( Mat_t M,
Vec_t L,
Mat_t Q = NULL,
bool  Qtrans = false 
) [inline]

Eigenvalues of symmetric matrix. NOTE: This function changes the matrix M.

void Eig ( Mat3_t M,
Vec3_t L 
) [inline]

Eigenvalues. NOTE: This function changes the matrix M.

void Eig ( Mat3_t M,
Vec3_t L,
Vec3_t V0,
Vec3_t V1,
Vec3_t V2,
bool  SortAsc = false,
bool  SortDesc = false 
) [inline]

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. NOTE: This function changes the matrix M.

void Eig ( Vec_t const &  Ten,
Vec3_t L,
Vec3_t V0,
Vec3_t V1,
Vec3_t V2,
bool  SortAsc = false,
bool  SortDesc = false 
) [inline]

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of second order tensor in Mandel's basis.

void EigenProj ( Vec_t const &  Ten,
Vec3_t L,
Vec3_t v0,
Vec3_t v1,
Vec3_t v2,
Vec_t P0,
Vec_t P1,
Vec_t P2,
bool  SortAsc = false,
bool  SortDesc = false 
) [inline]

Eigenprojectors of 2nd order symmetric tensor Ten.

void EigenProjAnalytic ( Vec_t const &  Ten,
Vec3_t L,
Vec_t P0,
Vec_t P1,
Vec_t P2 
) [inline]

Eigenprojectors of 2nd order symmetric tensor Ten.

void EigenProjDerivs ( Vec_t const &  A,
Vec3_t L,
Vec3_t v0,
Vec3_t v1,
Vec3_t v2,
Vec_t P0,
Vec_t P1,
Vec_t P2,
Mat_t dP0dA,
Mat_t dP1dA,
Mat_t dP2dA,
double  Pertubation = 1.0e-7,
double  Tol = 1.0e-14,
bool  SortAsc = false,
bool  SortDesc = false 
) [inline]

Derivatives of the eigenprojectors w.r.t its defining tensor.

void Identity ( size_t  NRows,
Mat_t I 
) [inline]


void Identity ( Mat3_t I) [inline]


void Inv ( Mat_t const &  M,
Mat_t Mi,
double  Tol = 1.0e-10 
) [inline]


void Inv ( Mat3_t const &  M,
Mat3_t Mi,
double  Tol = 1.0e-10 
) [inline]


void Inv ( Vec_t const &  T,
Vec_t Ti,
double  Tol = 1.0e-10 
) [inline]

Inverse of 2nd order symmetric tensor T.

void InvOctDerivs ( Vec3_t const &  Lsorted,
double &  p,
double &  q,
double &  t,
Mat3_t dLdpqth,
double  qTol = 1.0e-8 
) [inline]
double M2Phi ( double  M,
char const *  Type = "oct" 
) [inline]

Calculate phi (friction angle at compression (degrees)) given M (max q/p at compression).

void Mat2Ten ( Mat3_t const &  Mat,
Vec_t Ten,
size_t  NumComponents,
bool  CheckSymmetry = true,
double  Tol = 1.0e-10 
) [inline]

Creates a 2nd order symmetric tensor Ten (using Mandel's representation) based on its matrix components.

void Mult ( Vec_t const &  A,
Mat_t const &  M,
Vec_t B 
) [inline]

Left multiplication. {B} = {A}*[M]. NOTE: this is not efficient for large matrices.

void Mult ( Vec3_t const &  A,
Mat3_t const &  M,
Vec3_t B 
) [inline]

Left multiplication. {B} = {A}^T*[M].

void Mult ( Mat3_t const &  A,
Mat3_t const &  B,
Mat3_t M 
) [inline]

Matrix multiplication.

void Mult ( Vec_t const &  Sig,
Vec3_t const &  n,
Vec3_t t 
) [inline]

Multiplication of tensor's matrix by a vector (similar to Cauchy's rule). {t} = [Sig]*{n}.

double Norm ( Vec_t const &  V) [inline]


double Norm ( Vec3_t const &  V) [inline]


size_t num_cols ( Mat_t const &  M) [inline]
size_t num_rows ( Vec_t const &  V) [inline]
size_t num_rows ( Mat_t const &  M) [inline]
void OctDerivs ( Vec3_t const &  L,
double &  p,
double &  q,
double &  t,
Mat3_t dpqthdL,
double  qTol = 1.0e-8 
) [inline]
void OctInvs ( Vec_t const &  Sig,
double &  p,
double &  q,
double &  t,
double  qTol = 1.0e-8 
) [inline]

Octahedral invariants of Sig.

void OctInvs ( Vec_t const &  Sig,
double &  p,
double &  q,
Vec_t s,
double  qTol = 1.0e-8,
bool  ApplyPertub = false 
) [inline]

Octahedral invariants of Sig (and deviator s).

void OctInvs ( Vec_t const &  Sig,
double &  p,
double &  q,
double &  t,
double &  th,
Vec_t s,
double  qTol = 1.0e-8,
Vec_t dthdSig = NULL,
bool  ApplyPertub = false 
) [inline]

Octahedral invariants of Sig (and derivatives).

void OctInvs ( Vec3_t const &  L,
double &  p,
double &  q,
double &  t,
double  qTol = 1.0e-8 
) [inline]

Octahedral invariants of Sig (L = principal values).

void OctInvs ( Vec3_t const &  L,
double &  p,
double &  q,
double &  t,
Vec3_t dpdL,
Vec3_t dqdL,
Vec3_t dtdL,
double  qTol = 1.0e-8 
) [inline]

Octahedral invariants of Sig (L = principal values). With derivatives

double Phi2M ( double  Phi,
char const *  Type = "oct" 
) [inline]

Calculate M = max q/p at compression (phi: friction angle at compression (degrees)).

void Pow2 ( Vec_t const &  Ten,
Vec_t Ten2 
) [inline]

2nd order symmetric tensor Ten raised to the power of 2.

void pqth2L ( double  p,
double  q,
double  th,
Vec3_t L,
char const *  Type = "oct" 
) [inline]

Calc principal values given octahedral invariants. (-pi <= th(rad) <= pi)

String PrintMatrix ( Mat_t const &  M,
char const *  Fmt = "%13g",
Array< long > const *  SkipRC = NULL,
double  Tol = 1.0e-13,
bool  NumPy = false 
) [inline]

Print matrix.

String PrintMatrix ( Mat3_t const &  M,
char const *  Fmt = "%13g",
double  Tol = 1.0e-13 
) [inline]

Print matrix.

String PrintVector ( Vec_t const &  V,
char const *  Fmt = "%13g",
Array< long > const *  SkipR = NULL,
double  Tol = 1.0e-13 
) [inline]

Print vector.

String PrintVector ( Vec3_t const &  V,
char const *  Fmt = "%13g",
double  Tol = 1.0e-13 
) [inline]

Print vector.

void set_to_zero ( Vec_t V) [inline]
void set_to_zero ( Mat_t M) [inline]
void set_to_zero ( Vec3_t V) [inline]

Clear vector.

void set_to_zero ( Mat3_t M) [inline]

Clear matrix.

size_t size ( Vec_t const &  V) [inline]
void Sol ( Mat_t M,
Vec_t X 
) [inline]

Linear Solver. {X} = [M]^{-1}{X} (M is lost) (X initially has the contents of the right-hand side)

void Sol ( Mat_t const &  M,
Vec_t const &  B,
Vec_t X 
) [inline]

Linear Solver. {X} = [M]^{-1}{B}

void Sol ( Mat3_t const &  M,
Vec3_t const &  B,
Vec3_t X,
double  Tol = 1.0e-10 
) [inline]

Linear Solver. {X} = [M]^{-1}{B}

void Svd ( Mat_t const &  M,
Mat_t U,
Vec_t S,
Mat_t Vt 
) [inline]

Singular value decomposition. M = U_mxm * D_mxn * Vt_nxn

void Sym ( double  a,
ATensor2 const &  T,
size_t  NCp,
Vec_t S 
) [inline]

Symmetric part of a tensor multiplied by a. S = a*sym(T) = a * 0.5*(T + trn(T)).

void Ten2Mat ( Vec_t const &  Ten,
Mat3_t Mat 
) [inline]

Creates the matrix representation of 2nd order symmetric tensor Ten (Mandel's representation).

void Ten2Mat ( Vec_t const &  Ten,
Mat_t Mat 
) [inline]

(TinyMatrix) Creates the matrix representation of 2nd order symmetric tensor Ten (Mandel's representation).

double Tra ( Vec_t const &  Ten) [inline]

Trace of 2nd order symmetric tensor Ten.

void Trans ( Mat3_t const &  M,
Mat3_t Mt 
) [inline]


void UnitVecDeriv ( Vec_t const &  n,
Vec_t nu,
Mat_t dnudn,
double  Tol = 1.0e-8 
) [inline]

Derivative of unit vector.

void UnitVecDeriv ( Vec3_t const &  n,
Vec3_t nu,
Mat3_t dnudn,
double  Tol = 1.0e-8 
) [inline]

Derivative of unit vector.

void Vec2ColMat ( Vec_t const &  V,
Mat_t M 
) [inline]

Create column matrix from vector.

void WriteSMAT ( Mat_t const &  M,
char const *  FileKey,
double  Tol = 1.0e-14 
) [inline]

Write SMatrix for vismatrix.

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