MechSys  1.0
Computing library for simulations in continuum and discrete mechanics
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Public Types | Public Member Functions | Public Attributes
DEM::Domain Class Reference

#include <domain.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef void(* ptFun_t )(Domain &Dom, void *UserData)

Public Member Functions

 Domain (void *UserData=NULL)
 ~Domain ()
void GenSpheres (int Tag, double L, size_t N, double rho, char const *Type, size_t Randomseed, double fraction, double RminFraction=1.0)
 General spheres.
void GenRice (int Tag, double L, size_t N, double R, double rho, size_t Randomseed, double fraction)
 General rices.
void GenBox (int InitialTag, double Lx, double Ly, double Lz, double R, double Cf, bool Cohesion=false)
 Generate six walls with successive tags. Cf is a coefficient to make walls bigger than specified in order to avoid gaps.
void GenOpenBox (int InitialTag, double Lx, double Ly, double Lz, double R, double Cf)
 Generate five walls with successive tags. Cf is a coefficient to make walls bigger than specified in order to avoid gaps.
void GenBoundingBox (int InitialTag, double R, double Cf, bool Cohesion=false)
 Generate o bounding box enclosing the previous included particles.
void GenBoundingPlane (int InitialTag, double R, double Cf, bool Cohesion=false)
 Same as GenBounding but only generates one pair of planes.
void GenFromMesh (Mesh::Generic &M, double R, double rho, bool cohesion=false, bool MC=true, double thickness=0.0)
 Generate particles from a FEM mesh generator.
void AddVoroPack (int Tag, double R, double Lx, double Ly, double Lz, size_t nx, size_t ny, size_t nz, double rho, bool Cohesion, bool Periodic, size_t Randomseed, double fraction, Vec3_t q=OrthoSys::O)
 Generate a Voronoi Packing with dimensions Li and polihedra per side ni.
void AddSphere (int Tag, Vec3_t const &X, double R, double rho)
 Add sphere.
void AddCube (int Tag, Vec3_t const &X, double R, double L, double rho, double Angle=0, Vec3_t *Axis=NULL)
 Add a cube at position X with spheroradius R, side of length L and density rho.
void AddTetra (int Tag, Vec3_t const &X, double R, double L, double rho, double Angle=0, Vec3_t *Axis=NULL)
 Add a tetrahedron at position X with spheroradius R, side of length L and density rho.
void AddDrill (int Tag, Vec3_t const &X, double R, double Lt, double Ll, double rho)
 A drill made as a combination of a cube and a pyramid.
void AddRice (int Tag, Vec3_t const &X, double R, double L, double rho, double Angle=0, Vec3_t *Axis=NULL)
 Add a rice at position X with spheroradius R, side of length L and density rho.
void AddPlane (int Tag, Vec3_t const &X, double R, double Lx, double Ly, double rho, double Angle=0, Vec3_t *Axis=NULL)
 Add a cube at position X with spheroradius R, side of length L and density rho.
void AddVoroCell (int Tag, voronoicell_neighbor &VC, double R, double rho, bool Erode, iVec3_t nv=iVec3_t(1, 1, 1))
 Add a single voronoi cell, it should be built before tough.
void AddTorus (int Tag, Vec3_t const &X, Vec3_t const &N, double Rmax, double R, double rho)
 Add a single torus at position X with a normal N, circunference Rmax and spheroradius R.
void AddCylinder (int Tag, Vec3_t const &X0, double R0, Vec3_t const &X1, double R1, double R, double rho)
 Add a cylinder formed by the connection of two circles at positions X0 and X1 and radii R0 and R1.
void SetProps (Dict &D)
 Set the properties of individual grains by dictionaries.
void Initialize (double dt=0.0)
 Set the particles to a initial state and asign the possible insteractions.
void Solve (double tf, double dt, double dtOut, ptFun_t ptSetup=NULL, ptFun_t ptReport=NULL, char const *FileKey=NULL, bool RenderVideo=true, size_t Nproc=1)
 Run simulation.
void WritePOV (char const *FileKey)
 Write POV file.
void WriteBPY (char const *FileKey)
 Write BPY (Blender) file.
void BoundingBox (Vec3_t &minX, Vec3_t &maxX)
 Defines the rectangular box that encloses the particles.
void Center (Vec3_t C=Vec3_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
 Centers the domain around C.
void ResetInteractons ()
 Reset the interactons.
void ResetDisplacements ()
 Reset the displacements.
double MaxDisplacement ()
 Calculate maximun displacement.
void ResetContacts ()
 Reset the displacements.
void EnergyOutput (size_t IdxOut, std::ostream &OutFile)
 Output of the energy variables.
void GetGSD (Array< double > &X, Array< double > &Y, Array< double > &D, size_t NDiv=10) const
 Get the Grain Size Distribution.
void Clusters ()
 Check the bounded particles in the domain and how many connected clusters are still present.
void DelParticles (Array< int > const &Tags)
 Delete particle.
ParticleGetParticle (int Tag, bool Check=true)
 Find first particle with Tag. Check => check if there are more than one particle with tag=Tag.
Particle const & GetParticle (int Tag, bool Check=true) const
 Find first particle with Tag. Check => check if there are more than one particle with tag=Tag.
void GetParticles (int Tag, Array< Particle * > &P)
 Find all particles with Tag.
void LinearMomentum (Vec3_t &L)
 Return total momentum of the system.
void AngularMomentum (Vec3_t &L)
 Return total angular momentum of the system.
double CalcEnergy (double &Ekin, double &Epot)
 Return total energy of the system.

Public Attributes

bool Initialized
 System (particles and interactons) initialized ?
bool Finished
 Has the simulation finished.
Array< Particle * > Particles
 All particles in domain.
Array< Interacton * > Interactons
 All interactons.
Array< CInteracton * > CInteractons
 Contact interactons.
Array< BInteracton * > BInteractons
 Cohesion interactons.
Vec3_t CamPos
 Camera position for POV.
double Time
 Current time.
double Evis
 Energy dissipated by the viscosity of the grains.
double Efric
 Energy dissipated by friction.
double Wext
 Work done by external forces.
double Vs
 Volume occupied by the grains.
double Ms
 Total mass of the particles.
double Alpha
 Verlet distance.
void * UserData
 Some user data.
String FileKey
 File Key for output files.
size_t idx_out
 Index of output.
set< pair< Particle
*, Particle * > > 
 List of pair of particles associated per interacton for memory optimization.
Array< Array< int > > Listofclusters
 List of particles belonging to bounded clusters (applies only for cohesion simulations)

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* DEM::Domain::ptFun_t)(Domain &Dom, void *UserData)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DEM::Domain::Domain ( void *  UserData = NULL) [inline]
DEM::Domain::~Domain ( ) [inline]

Member Function Documentation

void DEM::Domain::AddCube ( int  Tag,
Vec3_t const &  X,
double  R,
double  L,
double  rho,
double  Angle = 0,
Vec3_t Axis = NULL 
) [inline]

Add a cube at position X with spheroradius R, side of length L and density rho.

void DEM::Domain::AddCylinder ( int  Tag,
Vec3_t const &  X0,
double  R0,
Vec3_t const &  X1,
double  R1,
double  R,
double  rho 
) [inline]

Add a cylinder formed by the connection of two circles at positions X0 and X1 and radii R0 and R1.

void DEM::Domain::AddDrill ( int  Tag,
Vec3_t const &  X,
double  R,
double  Lt,
double  Ll,
double  rho 
) [inline]

A drill made as a combination of a cube and a pyramid.

void DEM::Domain::AddPlane ( int  Tag,
Vec3_t const &  X,
double  R,
double  Lx,
double  Ly,
double  rho,
double  Angle = 0,
Vec3_t Axis = NULL 
) [inline]

Add a cube at position X with spheroradius R, side of length L and density rho.

void DEM::Domain::AddRice ( int  Tag,
Vec3_t const &  X,
double  R,
double  L,
double  rho,
double  Angle = 0,
Vec3_t Axis = NULL 
) [inline]

Add a rice at position X with spheroradius R, side of length L and density rho.

void DEM::Domain::AddSphere ( int  Tag,
Vec3_t const &  X,
double  R,
double  rho 
) [inline]

Add sphere.

void DEM::Domain::AddTetra ( int  Tag,
Vec3_t const &  X,
double  R,
double  L,
double  rho,
double  Angle = 0,
Vec3_t Axis = NULL 
) [inline]

Add a tetrahedron at position X with spheroradius R, side of length L and density rho.

void DEM::Domain::AddTorus ( int  Tag,
Vec3_t const &  X,
Vec3_t const &  N,
double  Rmax,
double  R,
double  rho 
) [inline]

Add a single torus at position X with a normal N, circunference Rmax and spheroradius R.

void DEM::Domain::AddVoroCell ( int  Tag,
voronoicell_neighbor &  VC,
double  R,
double  rho,
bool  Erode,
iVec3_t  nv = iVec3_t(1,1,1) 
) [inline]

Add a single voronoi cell, it should be built before tough.

void DEM::Domain::AddVoroPack ( int  Tag,
double  R,
double  Lx,
double  Ly,
double  Lz,
size_t  nx,
size_t  ny,
size_t  nz,
double  rho,
bool  Cohesion,
bool  Periodic,
size_t  Randomseed,
double  fraction,
Vec3_t  q = OrthoSys::O 
) [inline]

Generate a Voronoi Packing with dimensions Li and polihedra per side ni.

void DEM::Domain::AngularMomentum ( Vec3_t L) [inline]

Return total angular momentum of the system.

void DEM::Domain::BoundingBox ( Vec3_t minX,
Vec3_t maxX 
) [inline]

Defines the rectangular box that encloses the particles.

double DEM::Domain::CalcEnergy ( double &  Ekin,
double &  Epot 
) [inline]

Return total energy of the system.

void DEM::Domain::Center ( Vec3_t  C = Vec3_t(0.0,0.0,0.0)) [inline]

Centers the domain around C.

void DEM::Domain::Clusters ( ) [inline]

Check the bounded particles in the domain and how many connected clusters are still present.

void DEM::Domain::DelParticles ( Array< int > const &  Tags) [inline]

Delete particle.

void DEM::Domain::EnergyOutput ( size_t  IdxOut,
std::ostream &  OutFile 
) [inline]

Output of the energy variables.

void DEM::Domain::GenBoundingBox ( int  InitialTag,
double  R,
double  Cf,
bool  Cohesion = false 
) [inline]

Generate o bounding box enclosing the previous included particles.

void DEM::Domain::GenBoundingPlane ( int  InitialTag,
double  R,
double  Cf,
bool  Cohesion = false 
) [inline]

Same as GenBounding but only generates one pair of planes.

void DEM::Domain::GenBox ( int  InitialTag,
double  Lx,
double  Ly,
double  Lz,
double  R,
double  Cf,
bool  Cohesion = false 
) [inline]

Generate six walls with successive tags. Cf is a coefficient to make walls bigger than specified in order to avoid gaps.

void DEM::Domain::GenFromMesh ( Mesh::Generic M,
double  R,
double  rho,
bool  cohesion = false,
bool  MC = true,
double  thickness = 0.0 
) [inline]

Generate particles from a FEM mesh generator.

void DEM::Domain::GenOpenBox ( int  InitialTag,
double  Lx,
double  Ly,
double  Lz,
double  R,
double  Cf 
) [inline]

Generate five walls with successive tags. Cf is a coefficient to make walls bigger than specified in order to avoid gaps.

void DEM::Domain::GenRice ( int  Tag,
double  L,
size_t  N,
double  R,
double  rho,
size_t  Randomseed,
double  fraction 
) [inline]

General rices.

void DEM::Domain::GenSpheres ( int  Tag,
double  L,
size_t  N,
double  rho,
char const *  Type,
size_t  Randomseed,
double  fraction,
double  RminFraction = 1.0 
) [inline]

General spheres.

void DEM::Domain::GetGSD ( Array< double > &  X,
Array< double > &  Y,
Array< double > &  D,
size_t  NDiv = 10 
) const [inline]

Get the Grain Size Distribution.

Particle * DEM::Domain::GetParticle ( int  Tag,
bool  Check = true 
) [inline]

Find first particle with Tag. Check => check if there are more than one particle with tag=Tag.

Particle const & DEM::Domain::GetParticle ( int  Tag,
bool  Check = true 
) const [inline]

Find first particle with Tag. Check => check if there are more than one particle with tag=Tag.

void DEM::Domain::GetParticles ( int  Tag,
Array< Particle * > &  P 
) [inline]

Find all particles with Tag.

void DEM::Domain::Initialize ( double  dt = 0.0) [inline]

Set the particles to a initial state and asign the possible insteractions.

void DEM::Domain::LinearMomentum ( Vec3_t L) [inline]

Return total momentum of the system.

double DEM::Domain::MaxDisplacement ( ) [inline]

Calculate maximun displacement.

void DEM::Domain::ResetContacts ( ) [inline]

Reset the displacements.

Reset the displacements.

void DEM::Domain::ResetInteractons ( ) [inline]

Reset the interactons.

void DEM::Domain::SetProps ( Dict D) [inline]

Set the properties of individual grains by dictionaries.

void DEM::Domain::Solve ( double  tf,
double  dt,
double  dtOut,
ptFun_t  ptSetup = NULL,
ptFun_t  ptReport = NULL,
char const *  FileKey = NULL,
bool  RenderVideo = true,
size_t  Nproc = 1 
) [inline]

Run simulation.

void DEM::Domain::WriteBPY ( char const *  FileKey) [inline]

Write BPY (Blender) file.

void DEM::Domain::WritePOV ( char const *  FileKey) [inline]

Write POV file.

Member Data Documentation

Verlet distance.

Cohesion interactons.

Camera position for POV.

Contact interactons.

Energy dissipated by friction.

Energy dissipated by the viscosity of the grains.

File Key for output files.

Has the simulation finished.

Index of output.

System (particles and interactons) initialized ?

All interactons.

List of particles belonging to bounded clusters (applies only for cohesion simulations)

List of pair of particles associated per interacton for memory optimization.

Total mass of the particles.

All particles in domain.

Current time.

Some user data.

Volume occupied by the grains.

Work done by external forces.

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