MechSys  1.0
Computing library for simulations in continuum and discrete mechanics
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /************************************************************************
00002  * MechSys - Open Library for Mechanical Systems                        *
00003  * Copyright (C) 2005 Dorival M. Pedroso, Raúl D. D. Farfan             *
00004  *                                                                      *
00005  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
00006  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
00007  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or    *
00008  * any later version.                                                   *
00009  *                                                                      *
00010  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      *
00011  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of       *
00013  * GNU General Public License for more details.                         *
00014  *                                                                      *
00015  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    *
00016  * along with this program. If not, see <>  *
00017  ************************************************************************/
00019 #ifndef MECHSYS_INPFILE_H
00020 #define MECHSYS_INPFILE_H
00022 // Std Lib
00023 #include <fstream>
00025 // wxWidgets
00026 #ifdef USE_WXWIDGETS
00027   #include <mechsys/gui/common.h>
00028   #include <mechsys/gui/wxdict.h>
00029   #include <mechsys/gui/wxsipair.h>
00030   #include <mechsys/gui/wxarrayint.h>
00031 #endif
00033 // MechSys
00034 #include <mechsys/util/maps.h>
00035 #include <mechsys/util/fatal.h>
00036 #include <mechsys/util/util.h>
00037 #include <mechsys/linalg/matvec.h>
00038 #include <mechsys/fem/element.h>   // for PROB
00039 #include <mechsys/fem/geomelem.h>  // for GEOM
00040 #include <mechsys/matfile.h>
00041 #include <mechsys/models/model.h>
00043 /*
00044 struct PathIncs
00045 {
00046     double dsx, dsy, dsz, dsxy, dsyz, dszx; // stress increments
00047     double dex, dey, dez, dexy, deyz, dezx; // strain increments (percentage)
00048     double lode, dp;                        // path given Lode angle (deg), dpoct and dez (percentage)
00049     bool   zPath;                           // use lode, dp and dez ?
00050     int    ninc;                            // number of increments for this path. -1 => use general
00051     double k;                               // path given Lode, k=dqoct/dpoct, and dez
00052     bool   kPath;                           // with k=Dq/Dp
00053     double dpw, dSw;                        // increment of pore-water pressure and water saturation
00054     bool   HasDpw, HasDSw;                  // has dpw or dSw ?
00055     PathIncs () : dsx(0.),dsy(0.),dsz(0.),dsxy(0.),dsyz(0.),dszx(0.), 
00056                   dex(0.),dey(0.),dez(0.),dexy(0.),deyz(0.),dezx(0.),
00057                   lode(0.),dp(0.),zPath(false),ninc(-1),k(0.),kPath(false),
00058                   dpw(0.),dSw(0.),HasDpw(false),HasDSw(false) {}
00059 };
00060 */
00062 #ifdef USE_WXWIDGETS
00063 class InpFile : public wxWindow
00064 #else
00065 class InpFile
00066 #endif
00067 {
00068 public:
00069     // Constructor & Destructor
00070 #ifdef USE_WXWIDGETS
00071      InpFile (wxFrame * Parent);
00072 #else
00073      InpFile ();
00074 #endif
00075     ~InpFile ();
00077     // Methods
00078     void Defaults    ();
00079     void Read        (char const * FileName);
00080     void SetPrmsInis (MatFile const & Mat, bool ForceGTY=false);
00081     void GetIncs     (int PathKey, double Div, Vec_t & dsig, Vec_t & deps, Array<bool> & PrescDeps, double & dpw, double & dSw, bool & PrescDpw, bool & PrescDSw) const;
00082     void SetSUp      (Model const * Mdl, Model::StressUpdate::pDbgFun pFun=NULL, void * UserData=NULL) const;
00083     void SetSolFlags (SDPair & Flags) const;
00085     // Data
00086     int    ninc;        
00087     bool   cdrift;      
00088     double stol;        
00089     bool   ssout;       
00090     bool   ctetg;       
00091     bool   fem;         
00092     bool   dyn;         
00093     bool   hm;          
00094     double tf;          
00095     double dt;          
00096     double dtout;       
00097     double tsw;         
00098     int    ndiv;        
00099     int    nip;         
00100     bool   o2;          
00101     bool   ray;         
00102     double am;          
00103     double ak;          
00104     bool   rk;          
00105     String rkscheme;    
00106     double rkstol;      
00107     String refdat;      
00108     String refsim;      
00109     String refana;      
00110     int    idxvert1;    
00111     int    idxvert2;    
00112     int    idxvert3;    
00113     double optdbl1;     
00114     double optdbl2;     
00115     double optdbl3;     
00116     bool   hasoptdbl1, hasoptdbl2, hasoptdbl3;
00117     int    nldt_nsml;   
00118     int    nldt_nn;     
00119     int    nldt_n;      
00120     double nldt_ll;     
00121     int    nldt_sch;    
00122     double nldt_m;      
00123     int    maxit;       
00124     double tolr;        
00125     String fnkey;       
00126     double pcam0;       
00127     bool   haspcam0;    
00128     String scheme;      
00129     bool   vtufile;     
00130     String suscheme;    
00131     double sustol;      
00132     String surkscheme;  
00133     size_t dcmaxit;     
00134     double dcftol;      
00135     double pw0;         
00136     bool   haspw0;      
00137     bool   rkdyncte;    
00138     bool   uwp;         
00140     Array<String> AllUKeys, AllUKeysBCF;
00141     Array<String> AllFKeys, AllFKeysBCF;
00142     Array<String> AllEKeys, AllEKeysBCF;
00144     // Additional data
00145     Dict * Prms; 
00146     Dict * Inis; 
00148 #ifdef USE_WXWIDGETS
00149     // Methods
00150     void Sync (bool Dat2Ctrl=false) { if (Dat2Ctrl) TransferDataToWindow(); else TransferDataFromWindow(); } 
00152     // Data
00153     wxAuiManager       Aui;    
00154     wxString           LstDir; 
00155     String             FName;  
00156     GUI::WxDictTable * Path;   
00157     GUI::WxDict      * GPath;  
00159     // Additional data
00160     GUI::WxDictTable     * Prps;       
00161     GUI::WxArrayIntTable * OutNods;    
00162     GUI::WxDict          * GPrps;      
00163     GUI::WxArrayInt      * GOutNods;   
00164     GUI::WxSIPairTable   * Tag2MatID;  
00165     GUI::WxSIPairTable   * Tag2XMatID; 
00166     GUI::WxSIPair        * GMatId2Tag; 
00168     // Boundary conditions
00169     Array<GUI::WxDictTable*> Stages;  
00170     //Array<GUI::WxDict*>      GStages; ///< grid: boundary conditions
00172     // Events
00173     void OnLoad (wxCommandEvent & Event);
00174     void OnSave (wxCommandEvent & Event);
00177 #else
00178     // Data
00179     Dict * Path; 
00181     // Additional data
00182     Dict       * Prps;       
00183     Array<int> * OutNods;    
00184     SIPair     * Tag2MatID;  
00185     SIPair     * Tag2XMatID; 
00187     // Boundary conditions
00188     Array<Dict*> Stages; 
00189 #endif
00191 #ifdef USE_BOOST_PYTHON
00192     BPy::tuple PyReadPrmIni (char const * MatFN, char const * InpFN, int Tag)
00193     {
00194         BPy::dict prm, ini;
00195         MatFile   mat;
00196         mat.Read    (MatFN);
00197         Read        (InpFN);
00198         SetPrmsInis (mat);
00199         Prms->PyGet (Tag, prm);
00200         Inis->PyGet (Tag, ini);
00201         return BPy::make_tuple (prm, ini);
00202     }
00203 #endif
00204 };
00210 #ifdef USE_WXWIDGETS
00212 inline InpFile::~InpFile ()
00213 {
00214     Aui.UnInit ();
00215     delete Prms;
00216     delete Inis;
00217 }
00219 #else
00221 inline InpFile::InpFile ()
00222 {
00223     Defaults ();
00224     Path       = new Dict;
00225     Prps       = new Dict;
00226     OutNods    = new Array<int>;
00227     Tag2MatID  = new SIPair;
00228     Tag2XMatID = new SIPair;
00229     Prms       = new Dict;
00230     Inis       = new Dict;
00231 }
00233 inline InpFile::~InpFile ()
00234 {
00235     delete Path;
00236     delete Prps;
00237     delete OutNods;
00238     delete Tag2MatID;
00239     delete Tag2XMatID;
00240     delete Prms;
00241     delete Inis;
00242     for (size_t i=0; i<Stages.Size(); ++i) delete Stages[i];
00243 }
00245 #endif
00247 inline void InpFile::Defaults ()
00248 {
00249     ninc       = -1;     //  1
00250     cdrift     = false;  //  2
00251     stol       = -1;     //  3
00252     ssout      = false;  //  4
00253     ctetg      = false;  //  5
00254     fem        = false;  //  6
00255     dyn        = false;  //  7
00256     hm         = false;  //  8
00257     tf         = -1;     //  9
00258     dt         = -1;     // 10
00259     dtout      = -1;     // 11
00260     tsw        = -1;     // 12
00261     ndiv       = -1;     // 13
00262     nip        = -1;     // 14
00263     o2         = false;  // 15
00264     ray        = false;  // 16
00265     am         = -1;     // 17
00266     ak         = -1;     // 18
00267     rk         = false;  // 19
00268     rkscheme   = "";     // 20
00269     rkstol     = -1;     // 21
00270     refdat     = "";     // 22
00271     refsim     = "";     // 23
00272     refana     = "";     // 24
00273     idxvert1   = -1;     // 25
00274     idxvert2   = -1;     // 26
00275     idxvert3   = -1;     // 27
00276     optdbl1    = 0;      // 28
00277     optdbl2    = 0;      // 29
00278     optdbl3    = 0;      // 30
00279     hasoptdbl1 = false; hasoptdbl2=false; hasoptdbl3=false;
00280     nldt_nsml  = -1;     // 31
00281     nldt_nn    = -1;     // 32
00282     nldt_n     = -1;     // 33
00283     nldt_ll    = -1;     // 34
00284     nldt_sch   = -1;     // 35
00285     nldt_m     = -1;     // 36
00286     maxit      = -1;     // 37
00287     tolr       = -1;     // 38
00288     fnkey      = "";     // 39
00289     pcam0      = 0;      // 40
00290     haspcam0   = false;
00291     scheme     = "";     // 41
00292     vtufile    = false;  // 42
00293     suscheme   = "";     // 43
00294     sustol     = -1;     // 44
00295     surkscheme = "";     // 45
00296     dcmaxit    = 0;      // 46
00297     dcftol     = -1;     // 47
00298     pw0        = 0;      // 48
00299     haspw0     = false;
00300     rkdyncte   = true;   // 49
00301     uwp        = false;  // 50
00303     // U and F keys
00304     for (FEM::ElementVarKeys_t::const_iterator it=FEM::ElementVarKeys.begin(); it!=FEM::ElementVarKeys.end(); ++it)
00305     {
00306         // U keys
00307         Array<String> keys;
00308         Util::Keys2Array (it->second.first, keys);
00309         for (size_t i=0; i<keys.Size(); ++i)
00310         {
00311             AllUKeys.XPush (keys[i]);
00312             keys[i].ToUpper();
00313             AllUKeysBCF.XPush (keys[i]);
00314         }
00316         // F keys
00317         keys.Clear();
00318         Util::Keys2Array (it->second.second, keys);
00319         for (size_t i=0; i<keys.Size(); ++i)
00320         {
00321             AllFKeys.XPush (keys[i]);
00322             keys[i].ToUpper();
00323             AllFKeysBCF.XPush (keys[i]);
00324         }
00325     }
00326     /*
00327     std::cout << "AllUKeys    = " << AllUKeys    << std::endl;
00328     std::cout << "AllUKeysBCF = " << AllUKeysBCF << std::endl;
00329     std::cout << "AllFKeys    = " << AllFKeys    << std::endl;
00330     std::cout << "AllFKeysBCF = " << AllFKeysBCF << std::endl;
00331     */
00333     // Extra keys
00334     for (FEM::ElementExtraKeys_t::const_iterator it=FEM::ElementExtraKeys.begin(); it!=FEM::ElementExtraKeys.end(); ++it)
00335     {
00336         for (size_t i=0; i<it->second.Size(); ++i)
00337         {
00338             AllEKeys   .XPush (it->second[i]);
00339             AllEKeysBCF.XPush (it->second[i].ToUpperCpy());
00340         }
00341     }
00342 }
00344 inline void InpFile::Read (char const * FileName)
00345 {
00346     // parse input file
00347     std::fstream inp_file(FileName, std::ios::in);
00348     if (!inp_file.is_open()) throw new Fatal("InpFile::Read: Could not open file <%s>",FileName);
00349     bool   reading_path   = false;
00350     bool   reading_eprps  = false;
00351     bool   reading_stages = false;
00352     bool   reading_bcs    = false;
00353     int    npath          = 0;
00354     int    nelemprps      = 0;
00355     int    nstages        = 0;
00356     int    nbcs           = -1;
00357     int    ndat           = -1;
00358     size_t line_num       = 1;
00359     int    idxdat         = 0;
00360     int    idxbcs         = 0;
00361     int    idxpath        = 0;
00362     int    idxeprps       = 0;
00363     int    idxstage       = 0;
00364     int    elemtag        = -1;
00365     int    bcstag         = 0;
00366     SDPair elemprps;
00367     SDPair bcs;
00368     Path      -> clear();
00369     Prps      -> clear();
00370     OutNods   -> Resize(0);
00371     Tag2MatID -> clear();
00372     Tag2XMatID-> clear();
00373     Prms      -> clear();
00374     Inis      -> clear();
00375     for (size_t i=0; i<Stages.Size(); ++i) delete Stages[i];
00376     Stages.Resize(0);
00377     while (!inp_file.eof())
00378     {
00379         String line,key,equal,str_val;
00380         double val;
00381         std::getline (inp_file,line);
00382         std::istringstream iss(line);
00383         if (iss >> key >> equal >> str_val)
00384         {
00385             val = atof(str_val.CStr());
00386             if (key[0]=='#') { line_num++; continue; }
00387             if (reading_path)
00388             {
00389                 if      (key=="ndat") ndat = atoi(str_val.CStr());
00390                 else if (ndat<0) throw new Fatal("InpFile::Read: Reading path. Error in file <%s> at line # %d: key 'ndat' must come before data. '%s' is in the wrong place",FileName,line_num,key.CStr());
00391                 else if (key=="kcam")  { Path->Set(idxpath, "kcam" , val     ); idxdat++; }
00392                 else if (key=="dpcam") { Path->Set(idxpath, "dpcam", val     ); idxdat++; }
00393                 else if (key=="lode")  { Path->Set(idxpath, "lode" , val     ); idxdat++; if (val<30. || val>90.) throw new Fatal("InpFile::Read: Error in file <%s> at line # %d: Lode angle alpha must be inside [30,90]. Alpha==%g is invalid",FileName,line_num,val); }
00394                 else if (key=="dex")   { Path->Set(idxpath, "dex"  , val/100.); idxdat++; }
00395                 else if (key=="dey")   { Path->Set(idxpath, "dey"  , val/100.); idxdat++; }
00396                 else if (key=="dez")   { Path->Set(idxpath, "dez"  , val/100.); idxdat++; }
00397                 else if (key=="dexy")  { Path->Set(idxpath, "dexy" , val/100.); idxdat++; }
00398                 else if (key=="deyz")  { Path->Set(idxpath, "deyz" , val/100.); idxdat++; }
00399                 else if (key=="dezx")  { Path->Set(idxpath, "dezx" , val/100.); idxdat++; }
00400                 else if (key=="dsx")   { Path->Set(idxpath, "dsx"  , val     ); idxdat++; }
00401                 else if (key=="dsy")   { Path->Set(idxpath, "dsy"  , val     ); idxdat++; }
00402                 else if (key=="dsz")   { Path->Set(idxpath, "dsz"  , val     ); idxdat++; }
00403                 else if (key=="dsxy")  { Path->Set(idxpath, "dsxy" , val     ); idxdat++; }
00404                 else if (key=="dsyz")  { Path->Set(idxpath, "dsyz" , val     ); idxdat++; }
00405                 else if (key=="dszx")  { Path->Set(idxpath, "dszx" , val     ); idxdat++; }
00406                 else if (key=="dpw")   { Path->Set(idxpath, "dpw"  , val     ); idxdat++; }
00407                 else if (key=="dSw")   { Path->Set(idxpath, "dSw"  , val     ); idxdat++; }
00408                 else if (key=="ninc")  { Path->Set(idxpath, "ninc" , val     ); idxdat++; }
00409                 else throw new Fatal("InpFile::Read: Reading path. Error in file <%s> at line # %d when reading data of Path # %d. Key==%s is invalid or in the wrong place",FileName,line_num,idxpath,key.CStr());
00410                 if (idxdat==ndat)
00411                 {
00412                     ndat   = -1;
00413                     idxdat = 0;
00414                     idxpath++;
00415                     if (idxpath==npath) reading_path = false;
00416                 }
00417             }
00418             else if (reading_eprps)
00419             {
00420                 if      (key=="ndat") ndat = atoi(str_val.CStr());
00421                 else if (ndat<0) throw new Fatal("InpFile::Read: Reading elements properties. Error in file <%s> at line # %d: key 'ndat' must come before data. '%s' is in the wrong place",FileName,line_num,key.CStr());
00422                 else if (key=="elemtag") { elemtag = atoi(str_val.CStr());                       idxdat++; }
00423                 else if (key=="prob")    { elemprps.Set (key.CStr(), FEM::PROB(str_val.CStr())); idxdat++; }
00424                 else if (key=="geom")    { elemprps.Set (key.CStr(), FEM::GEOM(str_val.CStr())); idxdat++; }
00425                 else if (key=="psa")     { elemprps.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr()));      idxdat++; }
00426                 else if (key=="pse")     { elemprps.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr()));      idxdat++; }
00427                 else if (key=="fra")     { elemprps.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr()));      idxdat++; }
00428                 else if (key=="d2d")     { elemprps.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr()));      idxdat++; }
00429                 else if (key=="d3d")     { elemprps.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr()));      idxdat++; }
00430                 else if (key=="rho")     { elemprps.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr()));      idxdat++; }
00431                 else if (key=="geosta")  { elemprps.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr()));      idxdat++; }
00432                 else if (key=="pospw")   { elemprps.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr()));      idxdat++; }
00433                 else if (key=="K0")      { elemprps.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr()));      idxdat++; }
00434                 else if (key=="surf")    { elemprps.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr()));      idxdat++; }
00435                 else if (key=="water")   { elemprps.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr()));      idxdat++; }
00436                 else if (key=="E")       { elemprps.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr()));      idxdat++; }
00437                 else if (key=="A")       { elemprps.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr()));      idxdat++; }
00438                 else if (key=="Izz")     { elemprps.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr()));      idxdat++; }
00439                 else throw new Fatal("InpFile::Read: Reading elements properties. Error in file <%s> at line # %d when reading data of Properties # %d. Key==%s is invalid or in the wrong place",FileName,line_num,idxeprps,key.CStr());
00440                 if (idxdat==ndat)
00441                 {
00442                     Prps->Set (elemtag, elemprps);
00443                     ndat    = -1;
00444                     idxdat  = 0;
00445                     elemtag = -1;
00446                     elemprps.clear();
00447                     idxeprps++;
00448                     if (idxeprps==nelemprps) reading_eprps = false;
00449                 }
00450             }
00451             else if (reading_stages && !reading_bcs)
00452             {
00453 #ifdef USE_WXWIDGETS
00454                 if (key=="nbcs") { nbcs = atoi(str_val.CStr());  Stages.Push(new GUI::WxDictTable);  reading_bcs=true; }
00455 #else
00456                 if (key=="nbcs") { nbcs = atoi(str_val.CStr());  Stages.Push(new Dict);  reading_bcs=true; }
00457 #endif
00458                 else throw new Fatal("InpFile::Read: Reading boundary conditions (stages). Error in file <%s> at line # %d: key '%s' is in the wrong place",FileName,line_num,key.CStr());
00459             }
00460             else if (reading_bcs)
00461             {
00462                 if      (key=="ndat") ndat = atoi(str_val.CStr());
00463                 else if (ndat<0) throw new Fatal("InpFile::Read: Reading boundary conditions (stages). Error in file <%s> at line # %d: key 'ndat' must come after 'nbcs' and before data. '%s' is in the wrong place",FileName,line_num,key.CStr());
00464                 else if (key=="tag")           { bcstag = atoi(str_val.CStr());              idxdat++; }
00465                 else if (AllUKeys   .Has(key)) { bcs.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr())); idxdat++; }
00466                 else if (AllFKeys   .Has(key)) { bcs.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr())); idxdat++; }
00467                 else if (AllEKeys   .Has(key)) { bcs.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr())); idxdat++; }
00468                 else if (AllUKeysBCF.Has(key)) { bcs.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr())); idxdat++; }
00469                 else if (AllFKeysBCF.Has(key)) { bcs.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr())); idxdat++; }
00470                 else if (AllEKeysBCF.Has(key)) { bcs.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr())); idxdat++; }
00471                 else if (key=="fgrav")         { bcs.Set (key.CStr(), atof(str_val.CStr())); idxdat++; }
00472                 else throw new Fatal("InpFile::Read: Reading boundary conditions (stages). Error in file <%s> at line # %d when reading data of Stage # %d. Key==%s is invalid or in the wrong place",FileName,line_num,idxstage,key.CStr());
00473                 if (idxdat==ndat)
00474                 {
00475                     Stages[idxstage]->Set (bcstag, bcs);
00476                     ndat   = -1;
00477                     idxdat = 0;
00478                     bcstag = 0;
00479                     bcs.clear ();
00480                     idxbcs++;
00481                     if (idxbcs==nbcs)
00482                     {
00483                         reading_bcs = false;
00484                         nbcs        = -1;
00485                         idxbcs      = 0;
00486                         idxstage++;
00487                         if (idxstage==nstages) reading_stages = false;
00488                     }
00489                 }
00490             }
00491             else
00492             {
00493                 if      (key=="ninc")       ninc      = atoi(str_val.CStr());       //  1
00494                 else if (key=="cdrift")     cdrift    = (bool)atoi(str_val.CStr()); //  2
00495                 else if (key=="stol")       stol      = val;                        //  3
00496                 else if (key=="ssout")      ssout     = (bool)atoi(str_val.CStr()); //  4
00497                 else if (key=="ctetg")      ctetg     = (bool)atoi(str_val.CStr()); //  5
00498                 else if (key=="fem")        fem       = val;                        //  6
00499                 else if (key=="dyn")        dyn       = (bool)atoi(str_val.CStr()); //  7
00500                 else if (key=="hm")         hm        = (bool)atoi(str_val.CStr()); //  8
00501                 else if (key=="tf")         tf        = val;                        //  9
00502                 else if (key=="dt")         dt        = val;                        // 10
00503                 else if (key=="dtout")      dtout     = val;                        // 11
00504                 else if (key=="tsw")        tsw       = val;                        // 12
00505                 else if (key=="ndiv")       ndiv      = atoi(str_val.CStr());       // 13
00506                 else if (key=="nip")        nip       = atoi(str_val.CStr());       // 14
00507                 else if (key=="o2")         o2        = (bool)atoi(str_val.CStr()); // 15
00508                 else if (key=="ray")        ray       = (bool)atoi(str_val.CStr()); // 16
00509                 else if (key=="am")         am        = val;                        // 17
00510                 else if (key=="ak")         ak        = val;                        // 18
00511                 else if (key=="rk")         rk        = (bool)atoi(str_val.CStr()); // 19
00512                 else if (key=="rkscheme")   rkscheme  = str_val;                    // 20
00513                 else if (key=="rkstol")     rkstol    = val;                        // 21
00514                 else if (key=="refdat")     refdat    = str_val;                    // 22
00515                 else if (key=="refsim")     refsim    = str_val;                    // 23
00516                 else if (key=="refana")     refana    = str_val;                    // 24
00517                 else if (key=="idxvert1")   idxvert1  = atoi(str_val.CStr());       // 25
00518                 else if (key=="idxvert2")   idxvert2  = atoi(str_val.CStr());       // 26
00519                 else if (key=="idxvert3")   idxvert3  = atoi(str_val.CStr());       // 27
00520                 else if (key=="optdbl1")  { optdbl1   = val;   hasoptdbl1=true; }   // 28
00521                 else if (key=="optdbl2")  { optdbl2   = val;   hasoptdbl2=true; }   // 29
00522                 else if (key=="optdbl3")  { optdbl3   = val;   hasoptdbl3=true; }   // 30
00523                 else if (key=="nldt_nsml")  nldt_nsml = atoi(str_val.CStr());       // 31
00524                 else if (key=="nldt_nn")    nldt_nn   = atoi(str_val.CStr());       // 32
00525                 else if (key=="nldt_n")     nldt_n    = atoi(str_val.CStr());       // 33
00526                 else if (key=="nldt_ll")    nldt_ll   = val;                        // 34
00527                 else if (key=="nldt_sch")   nldt_sch  = atoi(str_val.CStr());       // 35
00528                 else if (key=="nldt_m")     nldt_m    = val;                        // 36
00529                 else if (key=="maxit")      maxit     = atoi(str_val.CStr());       // 37
00530                 else if (key=="tolr")       tolr      = val;                        // 38
00531                 else if (key=="fnkey")      fnkey     = str_val;                    // 39
00532                 else if (key=="pcam0")    { pcam0     = val;     haspcam0 = true; } // 40
00533                 else if (key=="scheme")     scheme    = str_val;                    // 41
00534                 else if (key=="vtufile")    vtufile   = (int)val;                   // 42
00535                 else if (key=="suscheme")   suscheme  = str_val;                    // 43
00536                 else if (key=="sustol")     sustol    = val;                        // 44
00537                 else if (key=="surkscheme") surkscheme= str_val;                    // 45
00538                 else if (key=="dcmaxit")    dcmaxit   = (int)val;                   // 46
00539                 else if (key=="dcftol")     dcftol    = val;                        // 47
00540                 else if (key=="pw0")      { pw0       = val;     haspw0 = true; }   // 48
00541                 else if (key=="rkdyncte")   rkdyncte  = (bool)atoi(str_val.CStr()); // 49
00542                 else if (key=="uwp")        uwp       = (bool)atoi(str_val.CStr()); // 50
00543                 else if (key=="npath")    { npath     = (int)val;  reading_path   = true; }
00544                 else if (key=="nelemprps"){ nelemprps = (int)val;  reading_eprps  = true; }
00545                 else if (key=="nstages")  { nstages   = (int)val;  reading_stages = true; }
00546                 else if (key=="matids" || key=="xmatids")
00547                 {
00548                     String left, right, str_id, str_tag;
00549                     line.Split (left, right, "=");
00550                     std::istringstream subiss(right);
00551                     bool pair_found = false;
00552                     while (subiss >> str_id >> str_tag)
00553                     {
00554                         pair_found = true;
00555                         int id  = atoi(str_id.CStr());
00556                         int tag = atoi(str_tag.CStr());
00557                         if (id<0 || tag>=0) throw new Fatal("InpFile::Read: Error in file <%s> @ line # %d with Key==%s. Material ids must be zero or positive and element tags must be negative. Ex.: matids = 0 -1  1 -2  2 -3",FileName,line_num,key.CStr());
00558                         if (key=="xmatids") Tag2XMatID->Set (str_tag.CStr(), id);
00559                         else                Tag2MatID ->Set (str_tag.CStr(), id);
00560                     }
00561                     if (!pair_found) throw new Fatal("InpFile::Read: Error in file <%s> @ line # %d with Key==%s. Material ids must be zero or positive and element tags must be negative. Ex.: matids = 0 -1  1 -2  2 -3",FileName,line_num,key.CStr());
00562                 }
00563                 else if (key=="outnods")
00564                 {
00565                     String left, right, nod;
00566                     line.Split (left, right, "=");
00567                     std::istringstream subiss(right);
00568                     while (subiss >> nod) OutNods->Push (atoi(nod.CStr()));
00569                 }
00570                 else throw new Fatal("InpFile::Read: Error in file <%s> @ line # %d: Key==%s in invalid (as general data)",FileName,line_num,key.CStr());
00571             }
00572         }
00573         line_num++;
00574     }
00575     if ((size_t)idxpath!=Path->Keys.Size()) throw new Fatal("InpFile::Read: Error in file <%s>: Not all Path data could be read for npath==%zd",FileName,npath);
00577     // filename key
00578     if (fnkey=="")
00579     {
00580         String buf(FileName);
00581         buf.GetFNKey (fnkey);
00582     }
00584 #ifdef USE_WXWIDGETS
00585     Sync (/*Dat2Ctrl*/true);
00586     GPath      -> ReBuild ();
00587     GPrps      -> ReBuild ();
00588     GOutNods   -> ReBuild ();
00589     GMatId2Tag -> ReBuild ();
00590 #endif
00591 }
00593 inline void InpFile::SetPrmsInis (MatFile const & Mat, bool ForceGTY)
00594 {
00595     for (size_t i=0; i<Tag2MatID->Keys.Size(); ++i)
00596     {
00597         int            tag  = atoi(Tag2MatID->Keys[i].CStr());
00598         int            id   = (*Tag2MatID)(Tag2MatID->Keys[i]);
00599         SDPair const & prms = (*Mat.ID2Prms)(id);
00600         SDPair const & inis = (*Mat.ID2Inis)(id);
00601         Prms->Set (tag, prms);
00602         Inis->Set (tag, inis);
00603         if (ForceGTY)
00604         {
00605             if (Prps->Keys.Size()==0) throw new Fatal("InpFile::SetPrmsInis: Dictionary of properties (Prps) is empty => ForceGTY (geometry type) cannot be applied. You may have to specify 'nelemprps = 1' in your Input file.");
00606             SDPair const & prps = (*Prps)(tag);
00607             Array<String> gtypes("d3d", "d2d", "psa", "pse", "fra");
00608             for (size_t i=0; i<gtypes.Size(); ++i)
00609             {
00610                 if (prps.HasKey(gtypes[i])) (*Prms)(tag).Set (gtypes[i].CStr(), 1.0);
00611             }
00612         }
00613         if (haspcam0) (*Inis)(tag).Set ("sx sy sz", -pcam0, -pcam0, -pcam0);
00614     }
00615     for (size_t i=0; i<Tag2XMatID->Keys.Size(); ++i)
00616     {
00617         int            tag  = atoi(Tag2XMatID->Keys[i].CStr());
00618         int            id   = (*Tag2XMatID)(Tag2XMatID->Keys[i]);
00619         SDPair         prms = (*Mat.ID2Prms)(id);
00620         SDPair const & inis = (*Mat.ID2Inis)(id);
00621         double nam = prms("name");
00622         prms.Del("name");
00623         prms.Set("xname", nam);
00624         Prms->Set (tag, prms);
00625         Inis->Set (tag, inis);
00626         if (haspw0) (*Inis)(tag).Set ("pw", pw0);
00627     }
00628 }
00630 inline void InpFile::GetIncs (int PathKey, double Div, Vec_t & dsig, Vec_t & deps, Array<bool> & PrescDeps, double & dpw, double & dSw, bool & PrescDpw, bool & PrescDSw) const
00631 {
00632     // number of increments
00633     SDPair const & path = (*Path)(Path->Keys[PathKey]);
00635     // set prescribed increments
00636     set_to_zero (dsig);
00637     set_to_zero (deps);
00638     PrescDeps = false,false,false, false,false,false;
00639     dpw       = 0.0;
00640     dSw       = 0.0;
00641     PrescDpw  = false;
00642     PrescDSw  = false;
00643     if (path.HasKey("dsx")) { dsig(0) = path("dsx")/Div;                       }
00644     if (path.HasKey("dsy")) { dsig(1) = path("dsy")/Div;                       }
00645     if (path.HasKey("dsz")) { dsig(2) = path("dsz")/Div;                       }
00646     if (path.HasKey("dex")) { deps(0) = path("dex")/Div;                       }
00647     if (path.HasKey("dey")) { deps(1) = path("dey")/Div;  PrescDeps[1] = true; }
00648     if (path.HasKey("dez")) { deps(2) = path("dez")/Div;  PrescDeps[2] = true; }
00649     if (path.HasKey("dpw")) { dpw     = path("dpw")/Div;  PrescDpw     = true; }
00650     if (path.HasKey("dSw")) { dSw     = path("dSw")/Div;  PrescDSw     = true; }
00651 }
00653 //inline void InpFile::SetSolver (FEM::Solver & Sol) const
00654 //{
00655     //if (ssout    ) Sol.SSOut  = ssout;
00656     //if (ctetg    ) Sol.CteTg  = ctetg;
00657     //if (hm       ) Sol.DampTy = FEM::Solver::HMCoup_t;
00658     //if (ray      ) Sol.DampTy = FEM::Solver::Rayleigh_t;
00659     //if (am    >=0) Sol.DampAm = am;
00660     //if (ak    >=0) Sol.DampAk = ak;
00661     //if (rk       )
00662     //{
00663         //Sol.DScheme = FEM::Solver::RK_t;
00664         //if (rkscheme!="") Sol.RKScheme = rkscheme;
00665         //if (rkstol   >=0) Sol.RKSTOL   = rkstol;
00666     //}
00667     //if (maxit  >0 ) Sol.MaxIt = maxit;
00668     //if (tolr   >=0) Sol.TolR  = tolr;
00669     //if (scheme!="") Sol.SetScheme (scheme.CStr());
00670 //
00671     //Sol.NLSteps.clear();
00672     //if (nldt_nsml>0) Sol.NLSteps.Set("nsml",(double)nldt_nsml);
00673     //if (nldt_nn  >0) Sol.NLSteps.Set("nn"  ,(double)nldt_nn  );
00674     //if (nldt_n   >0) Sol.NLSteps.Set("n"   ,(double)nldt_n   );
00675     //if (nldt_ll  >0) Sol.NLSteps.Set("ll"  ,(double)nldt_ll  );
00676     //if (nldt_sch >0) Sol.NLSteps.Set("sch" ,(double)nldt_sch );
00677     //if (nldt_m   >0) Sol.NLSteps.Set("m"   ,(double)nldt_m   );
00678 //}
00679 //
00680 //inline void InpFile::SetSolver (FEM::RKSolver & Sol) const
00681 //{
00682     //if (ctetg       ) Sol.LinProb = ctetg;
00683     //if (hm          ) Sol.DampTy  = FEM::RKSolver::HMCoup_t;
00684     //if (ray         ) Sol.DampTy  = FEM::RKSolver::Rayleigh_t;
00685     //if (am    >=0   ) Sol.DampAm  = am;
00686     //if (ak    >=0   ) Sol.DampAk  = ak;
00687     //if (rkscheme!="") Sol.Scheme  = rkscheme;
00688     //if (rkstol   >=0) Sol.STOL    = rkstol;
00689     //Sol.DynCteM = rkdyncte;
00690 //}
00692 inline void InpFile::SetSUp (Model const * Mdl, Model::StressUpdate::pDbgFun pFun, void * UserData) const
00693 {
00694     Mdl->SUp.CDrift = cdrift;
00695     Mdl->SUp.DbgFun = pFun;
00696     Mdl->SUp.DbgDat = UserData;
00697     if (suscheme  !="") Mdl->SUp.SetScheme (suscheme);
00698     if (surkscheme!="") Mdl->SUp.RKScheme = surkscheme;
00699     if (sustol      >0) Mdl->SUp.STOL     = sustol;
00700 }
00702 inline void InpFile::SetSolFlags (SDPair & Flags) const
00703 {
00704 }
00706 std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & os, InpFile const & IF)
00707 {
00708     if (IF.ninc        >=0) os << "ninc      = " << IF.ninc      << "\n"; //  1
00709     if (IF.cdrift         ) os << "cdrift    = " << IF.cdrift    << "\n"; //  2
00710     if (IF.stol        >=0) os << "stol      = " << IF.stol      << "\n"; //  3
00711     if (IF.ssout          ) os << "ssout     = " << IF.ssout     << "\n"; //  4
00712     if (IF.ctetg          ) os << "ctetg     = " << IF.ctetg     << "\n"; //  5
00713     if (IF.fem            ) os << "fem       = " << IF.fem       << "\n"; //  6
00714     if (IF.dyn            ) os << "dyn       = " << IF.dyn       << "\n"; //  7
00715     if (             ) os << "hm        = " <<        << "\n"; //  8
00716     if (          >=0) os << "tf        = " <<        << "\n"; //  9
00717     if (IF.dt          >=0) os << "dt        = " << IF.dt        << "\n"; // 10
00718     if (IF.dtout       >=0) os << "dtout     = " << IF.dtout     << "\n"; // 11
00719     if (IF.tsw         >=0) os << "tsw       = " << IF.tsw       << "\n"; // 12
00720     if (IF.ndiv        >=0) os << "ndiv      = " << IF.ndiv      << "\n"; // 13
00721     if (IF.nip         >=0) os << "nip       = " << IF.nip       << "\n"; // 14
00722     if (IF.o2             ) os << "o2        = " << IF.o2        << "\n"; // 15
00723     if (IF.ray            ) os << "ray       = " << IF.ray       << "\n"; // 16
00724     if (          >=0) os << "am        = " <<        << "\n"; // 17
00725     if (IF.ak          >=0) os << "ak        = " << IF.ak        << "\n"; // 18
00726     if (IF.rk             ) os << "rk        = " << IF.rk        << "\n"; // 19
00727     if (IF.rkscheme   !="") os << "rkscheme  = " << IF.rkscheme  << "\n"; // 20
00728     if (IF.rkstol      >=0) os << "rkstol    = " << IF.rkstol    << "\n"; // 21
00729     if (IF.refdat     !="") os << "refdat    = " << IF.refdat    << "\n"; // 22
00730     if (IF.refsim     !="") os << "refsim    = " << IF.refsim    << "\n"; // 23
00731     if (IF.refana     !="") os << "refana    = " << IF.refana    << "\n"; // 24
00732     if (IF.idxvert1    >=0) os << "idxvert1  = " << IF.idxvert1  << "\n"; // 25
00733     if (IF.idxvert2    >=0) os << "idxvert2  = " << IF.idxvert2  << "\n"; // 26
00734     if (IF.idxvert3    >=0) os << "idxvert3  = " << IF.idxvert3  << "\n"; // 27
00735     if (IF.hasoptdbl1     ) os << "optdbl1   = " << IF.optdbl1   << "\n"; // 28
00736     if (IF.hasoptdbl2     ) os << "optdbl2   = " << IF.optdbl2   << "\n"; // 29
00737     if (IF.hasoptdbl3     ) os << "optdbl3   = " << IF.optdbl3   << "\n"; // 30
00738     if (IF.nldt_nsml   >0 ) os << "nldt_nsml = " << IF.nldt_nsml << "\n"; // 31
00739     if (IF.nldt_nn     >0 ) os << "nldt_nn   = " << IF.nldt_nn   << "\n"; // 32
00740     if (IF.nldt_n      >0 ) os << "nldt_n    = " << IF.nldt_n    << "\n"; // 33
00741     if (IF.nldt_ll     >0 ) os << "nldt_ll   = " << IF.nldt_ll   << "\n"; // 34
00742     if (IF.nldt_sch    >0 ) os << "nldt_sch  = " << IF.nldt_sch  << "\n"; // 35
00743     if (IF.nldt_m      >0 ) os << "nldt_m    = " << IF.nldt_m    << "\n"; // 36
00744     if (IF.maxit       >0 ) os << "maxit     = " << IF.maxit     << "\n"; // 37
00745     if (IF.tolr        >=0) os << "tolr      = " << IF.tolr      << "\n"; // 38
00746     if (IF.fnkey.size()>0 ) os << "fnkey     = " << IF.fnkey     << "\n"; // 39
00747     if (IF.haspcam0       ) os << "pcam0     = " << IF.pcam0     << "\n"; // 40
00748     if (IF.scheme     !="") os << "scheme    = " << IF.scheme    << "\n"; // 41
00749     if (IF.vtufile        ) os << "vtufile   = " << IF.vtufile   << "\n"; // 42
00750     if (IF.suscheme   !="") os << "suscheme  = " << IF.suscheme  << "\n"; // 43
00751     if (IF.sustol      >=0) os << "sustol    = " << IF.sustol    << "\n"; // 44
00752     if (IF.surkscheme !="") os << "surkscheme= " << IF.surkscheme<< "\n"; // 45
00753     if (IF.dcmaxit      >0) os << "dcmaxit   = " << IF.dcmaxit   << "\n"; // 46
00754     if (IF.dcftol       >0) os << "dcftol    = " << IF.dcftol    << "\n"; // 47
00755     if (IF.haspw0         ) os << "pw0       = " << IF.pw0       << "\n"; // 48
00756     if (IF.rkdyncte       ) os << "rkdyncte  = " << IF.rkdyncte  << "\n"; // 49
00757     if (IF.uwp            ) os << "uwp       = " << IF.uwp       << "\n"; // 50
00758     os << "\nPath:\n"                        << (*IF.Path)      << "\n";
00759     os << "\nElements properties:\n"         << (*IF.Prps)      << "\n";
00760     os << "\nOutput nodes:\n"                << (*IF.OutNods)   << "\n";
00761     os << "\nTags => Material IDs:\n"        << (*IF.Tag2MatID) << "\n";
00762     os << "\nTags => E(x)tra Material IDs:\n"<< (*IF.Tag2XMatID)<< "\n";
00763     os << "\nParameters:\n"                  << (*IF.Prms)      << "\n";
00764     os << "\nInitial values:\n"              << (*IF.Inis)      << "\n";
00765     os << "\nBoundary conditions (stages):\n";
00766     for (size_t i=0; i<IF.Stages.Size(); ++i)
00767     {
00768         os << "Stage # " << i << ":\n";
00769         os << (*IF.Stages[i]) << "\n";
00770     }
00771     return os;
00772 }
00774 #ifdef USE_WXWIDGETS
00776 enum
00777 {
00778     ID_INPFILE_LOAD = wxID_HIGHEST+1000,
00779     ID_INPFILE_SAVE,
00780 };
00782 BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(InpFile, wxWindow)
00783     EVT_BUTTON (ID_INPFILE_LOAD, InpFile::OnLoad)
00784     EVT_BUTTON (ID_INPFILE_SAVE, InpFile::OnSave)
00787 inline InpFile::InpFile (wxFrame * Parent)
00788     : wxWindow (Parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE)
00789 {
00790     // default values
00791     Defaults();
00793     // force validation of child controls
00794     SetExtraStyle (wxWS_EX_VALIDATE_RECURSIVELY);
00796     // tell wxAuiManager to manage this window
00797     Aui.SetManagedWindow (this);
00799     // control panel
00800     ADD_WXPANEL  (pnl, szt, szr, 1, 2);
00801     ADD_WXBUTTON (pnl, szr, ID_INPFILE_LOAD, c0, "Load");
00802     ADD_WXBUTTON (pnl, szr, ID_INPFILE_SAVE, c1, "Save");
00804     // main
00805     ADD_WXPANEL     (p_mai, sz_mai_t, sz_mai, 7, 2);
00806     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_mai, sz_mai, wxID_ANY, c_ninc      , "ninc     ", ninc     ); //   1
00807     ADD_WXCHECKBOX2 (p_mai, sz_mai, wxID_ANY, c_fem       , "fem      ", fem      ); //   6
00808     ADD_WXCHECKBOX2 (p_mai, sz_mai, wxID_ANY, c_dyn       , "dyn      ", dyn      ); //   7
00809     ADD_WXCHECKBOX2 (p_mai, sz_mai, wxID_ANY, c_hm        , "hm       ", hm       ); //   8
00810     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_mai, sz_mai, wxID_ANY, c_pcam0     , "pcam0    ", pcam0    ); //  40
00812     // local integration                                                                    
00813     ADD_WXPANEL     (p_loc, sz_loc_t, sz_loc, 2, 2);                                        
00814     ADD_WXCHECKBOX2 (p_loc, sz_loc, wxID_ANY, c_cdrift    , "cdrift   ", cdrift   ); //   2
00815     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_loc, sz_loc, wxID_ANY, c_stol      , "stol     ", stol     ); //   3
00817     // fem solution                                                                         
00818     ADD_WXPANEL     (p_fem, sz_fem_t, sz_fem, 18, 2);                             
00819     ADD_WXCHECKBOX2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_ssout     , "ssout    ", ssout    ); //   4
00820     ADD_WXCHECKBOX2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_ctetg     , "ctetg    ", ctetg    ); //   5
00821     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_tf        , "tf       ", tf       ); //   9
00822     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_dt        , "dt       ", dt       ); //  10
00823     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_dtout     , "dtout    ", dtout    ); //  11
00824     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_tsw       , "tsw      ", tsw      ); //  12
00825     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_ndiv      , "ndiv     ", ndiv     ); //  13
00826     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_nip       , "nip      ", nip      ); //  14
00827     ADD_WXCHECKBOX2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_o2        , "o2       ", o2       ); //  15
00828     ADD_WXCHECKBOX2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_ray       , "ray      ", ray      ); //  16
00829     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_am        , "am       ", am       ); //  17
00830     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_ak        , "ak       ", ak       ); //  18
00831     ADD_WXCHECKBOX2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_rk        , "rk       ", rk       ); //  19
00832     ADD_WXTEXTCTRL2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_rkscheme  , "rkscheme ", rkscheme ); //  20
00833     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_rkstol    , "rkstol   ", rkstol   ); //  21
00834     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_maxit     , "maxit    ", maxit    ); //  37
00835     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_tolr      , "tolr     ", tolr     ); //  38
00836     ADD_WXTEXTCTRL2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_scheme    , "scheme   ", scheme   ); //  41
00837     ADD_WXCHECKBOX2 (p_fem, sz_fem, wxID_ANY, c_vtufile   , "vtufile  ", vtufile  ); //  42
00839     // reference files                                                                      
00840     ADD_WXPANEL     (p_rfi, sz_rfi_t, sz_rfi, 3, 2);                                        
00841     ADD_WXTEXTCTRL2 (p_rfi, sz_rfi, wxID_ANY, c_refdat    , "refdat   ", refdat   ); //  22
00842     ADD_WXTEXTCTRL2 (p_rfi, sz_rfi, wxID_ANY, c_refsim    , "refsim   ", refsim   ); //  23
00843     ADD_WXTEXTCTRL2 (p_rfi, sz_rfi, wxID_ANY, c_refana    , "refana   ", refana   ); //  24
00844     c_refdat->SetMinSize (wxSize(200,20));
00845     c_refsim->SetMinSize (wxSize(200,20));
00846     c_refana->SetMinSize (wxSize(200,20));
00848     // nonlinear steps                                                                      
00849     ADD_WXPANEL     (p_nls, sz_nls_t, sz_nls, 6, 2);                                        
00850     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_nls, sz_nls, wxID_ANY, c_nldt_nsml , "nldt_nsml", nldt_nsml); //  31
00851     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_nls, sz_nls, wxID_ANY, c_nldt_nn   , "nldt_nn  ", nldt_nn  ); //  32
00852     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_nls, sz_nls, wxID_ANY, c_nldt_n    , "nldt_n   ", nldt_n   ); //  33
00853     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_nls, sz_nls, wxID_ANY, c_nldt_ll   , "nldt_ll  ", nldt_ll  ); //  34
00854     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_nls, sz_nls, wxID_ANY, c_nldt_sch  , "nldt_sch ", nldt_sch ); //  35
00855     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_nls, sz_nls, wxID_ANY, c_nldt_m    , "nldt_m   ", nldt_m   ); //  36
00857     // others                                                                               
00858     ADD_WXPANEL     (p_oth, sz_oth_t, sz_oth, 6, 2);                                        
00859     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_oth, sz_oth, wxID_ANY, c_idxvert1  , "idxvert1 ", idxvert1 ); //  25
00860     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_oth, sz_oth, wxID_ANY, c_idxvert2  , "idxvert2 ", idxvert2 ); //  26
00861     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_oth, sz_oth, wxID_ANY, c_idxvert3  , "idxvert3 ", idxvert3 ); //  27
00862     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_oth, sz_oth, wxID_ANY, c_optdbl1   , "optdbl1  ", optdbl1  ); //  28
00863     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_oth, sz_oth, wxID_ANY, c_optdbl2   , "optdbl2  ", optdbl2  ); //  29
00864     ADD_WXNUMINPUT2 (p_oth, sz_oth, wxID_ANY, c_optdbl3   , "optdbl3  ", optdbl3  ); //  30
00866     // path
00867     Path  = new GUI::WxDictTable;         Path->Transposed = false;
00868     GPath = new GUI::WxDict (this, Path); GPath->FitCol    = true;
00870     // additional data
00871     Prps       = new GUI::WxDictTable;
00872     OutNods    = new GUI::WxArrayIntTable;
00873     Tag2MatID  = new GUI::WxSIPairTable;
00874     GPrps      = new GUI::WxDict     (this, Prps);
00875     GOutNods   = new GUI::WxArrayInt (this, OutNods);
00876     GMatId2Tag = new GUI::WxSIPair   (this, Tag2MatID);
00877     Prms       = new Dict;
00878     Inis       = new Dict;
00880     // notebook
00881     ADD_WXNOTEBOOK (this, nbk0);
00882     ADD_WXNOTEBOOK (this, nbk1);
00883     ADD_WXNOTEBOOK (this, nbk2);
00884     nbk0->AddPage  (p_mai,      "Main",                 false);
00885     nbk0->AddPage  (p_loc,      "Local Integration",    false);
00886     nbk0->AddPage  (p_oth,      "Others",               false);
00887     nbk2->AddPage  (p_fem,      "FEM Solution",         false);
00888     nbk2->AddPage  (p_nls,      "Nonlinear Steps",      false);
00889     nbk0->AddPage  (p_rfi,      "Reference Files",      false);
00890     nbk1->AddPage  (GPath,      "Path",                 false);
00891     nbk2->AddPage  (GPrps,      "Elements Properties",  false);
00892     nbk2->AddPage  (GOutNods,   "Output Nodes",         false);
00893     nbk2->AddPage  (GMatId2Tag, "Material IDs => Tags", false);
00895     // commit all changes to wxAuiManager
00896     Aui.AddPane (pnl,  wxAuiPaneInfo().Name("cpnl").Caption("cpnl").Top().MinSize(wxSize(100,50)).DestroyOnClose(false).CaptionVisible(false) .CloseButton(false));
00897     Aui.AddPane (nbk0, wxAuiPaneInfo().Name("nbk0").Caption("General Input Data").Centre().Position(0).DestroyOnClose(false).CaptionVisible(true).CloseButton(false));
00898     Aui.AddPane (nbk1, wxAuiPaneInfo().Name("nbk1").Caption("Stress/Strain Path").Centre().Position(1).DestroyOnClose(false).CaptionVisible(true).CloseButton(false));
00899     Aui.AddPane (nbk2, wxAuiPaneInfo().Name("nbk2").Caption("FEM Input Data")    .Centre().Position(2).DestroyOnClose(false).CaptionVisible(true).CloseButton(false));
00900     Aui.Update  ();
00901 }
00903 inline void InpFile::OnLoad (wxCommandEvent & Event)
00904 {
00905     wxFileDialog fd(this, "Load input (.inp) file", LstDir, "", "*.inp");
00906     if (fd.ShowModal()==wxID_OK)
00907     {
00908         LstDir = fd.GetDirectory ();
00909         try { Read (fd.GetPath().ToStdString().c_str()); }
00910         catch (Fatal * e) { WxError(e->Msg().CStr()); }
00911     }
00912 }
00914 inline void InpFile::OnSave (wxCommandEvent & Event)
00915 {
00916     Sync ();
00917     wxFileDialog fd(this, "Save input (.inp) file", LstDir, "", "*.inp", wxFD_SAVE|wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT);
00918     if (fd.ShowModal()==wxID_OK)
00919     {
00920         std::cout << "fem = " << fem << std::endl;
00921         std::fstream of(fd.GetPath().ToStdString().c_str(), std::ios::out);
00922         of << "ninc       = " << ninc       << std::endl; //  1
00923         of << "cdrift     = " << cdrift     << std::endl; //  2
00924         of << "stol       = " << stol       << std::endl; //  3
00925         of << "ssout      = " << ssout      << std::endl; //  4
00926         of << "ctetg      = " << ctetg      << std::endl; //  5
00927         of << "fem        = " << fem        << std::endl; //  6
00928         of << "dyn        = " << dyn        << std::endl; //  7
00929         of << "hm         = " << hm         << std::endl; //  8
00930         of << "tf         = " << tf         << std::endl; //  9
00931         of << "dt         = " << dt         << std::endl; // 10
00932         of << "dtout      = " << dtout      << std::endl; // 11
00933         of << "tsw        = " << tsw        << std::endl; // 12
00934         of << "ndiv       = " << ndiv       << std::endl; // 13
00935         of << "nip        = " << nip        << std::endl; // 14
00936         of << "o2         = " << o2         << std::endl; // 15
00937         of << "ray        = " << ray        << std::endl; // 16
00938         of << "am         = " << am         << std::endl; // 17
00939         of << "ak         = " << ak         << std::endl; // 18
00940         of << "rk         = " << rk         << std::endl; // 19
00941         of << "rkscheme   = " << rkscheme   << std::endl; // 20
00942         of << "rkstol     = " << rkstol     << std::endl; // 21
00943         of << "refdat     = " << refdat     << std::endl; // 22
00944         of << "refsim     = " << refsim     << std::endl; // 23
00945         of << "refana     = " << refana     << std::endl; // 24
00946         of << "idxvert1   = " << idxvert1   << std::endl; // 25
00947         of << "idxvert2   = " << idxvert2   << std::endl; // 26
00948         of << "idxvert3   = " << idxvert3   << std::endl; // 27
00949         of << "optdbl1    = " << optdbl1    << std::endl; // 28
00950         of << "optdbl2    = " << optdbl2    << std::endl; // 29
00951         of << "optdbl3    = " << optdbl3    << std::endl; // 30
00952         of << "nldt_nsml  = " << nldt_nsml  << std::endl; // 31
00953         of << "nldt_nn    = " << nldt_nn    << std::endl; // 32
00954         of << "nldt_n     = " << nldt_n     << std::endl; // 33
00955         of << "nldt_ll    = " << nldt_ll    << std::endl; // 34
00956         of << "nldt_sch   = " << nldt_sch   << std::endl; // 35
00957         of << "nldt_m     = " << nldt_m     << std::endl; // 36
00958         of << "maxit      = " << maxit      << std::endl; // 37
00959         of << "tolr       = " << tolr       << std::endl; // 39
00960         of << "pcam0      = " << pcam0      << std::endl; // 40
00961         of << "scheme     = " << scheme     << std::endl; // 41
00962         of << "vtufile    = " << vtufile    << std::endl; // 42
00963         of << "suscheme   = " << suscheme   << std::endl; // 43
00964         of << "sustol     = " << sustol     << std::endl; // 44
00965         of << "surkscheme = " << surkscheme << std::endl; // 45
00966         of << "dcmaxit    = " << dcmaxit    << std::endl; // 46
00967         of << "dcftol     = " << dcftol     << std::endl; // 47
00968         of << "pw0        = " << pw0        << std::endl; // 48
00969         of << "rkdyncte   = " << rkdyncte   << std::endl; // 49
00970         of << "uwp        = " << uwp        << std::endl; // 50
00971         of << "npath      = " << Path->Keys.Size() << std::endl;
00973         String buf;
00974         for (size_t i=0; i<Path->Keys.Size(); ++i)
00975         {
00976             SDPair const & path = (*Path)(Path->Keys[i]);
00977             of << std::endl;
00978             of << "ndat = " << path.Keys.Size() << std::endl;
00979             for (size_t j=0; j<path.Keys.Size(); ++j)
00980             {
00981                 buf.Printf("  %-5s = %g\n", path.Keys[j].CStr(), path(path.Keys[j]));
00982                 of << buf;
00983             }
00984         }
00985         of.close();
00986     }
00987 }
00989 #endif
00995 #define INIT_MAT_INP(argc, argv, inpfn, matfn, verbose, forcegty,   MAT, INP) \
00996     if (argc>1) inpfn   =      argv[1];                                       \
00997     if (argc>2) matfn   =      argv[2];                                       \
00998     if (argc>3) verbose = atoi(argv[3]);                                      \
00999     MatFile MAT;                                                              \
01000     InpFile INP;                                                              \
01001     MAT.Read        (matfn.CStr());                                           \
01002     INP.Read        (inpfn.CStr());                                           \
01003     INP.SetPrmsInis (MAT, forcegty);                                          \
01004     if (verbose)                                                              \
01005     {                                                                         \
01006         printf("\n%s--- Materials data <%s> ----------------------------------------------------%s\n",TERM_CLR1,matfn.CStr(),TERM_RST); \
01007         std::cout << MAT << std::endl;                                        \
01008         printf("\n%s--- Input data <%s> --------------------------------------------------------%s\n",TERM_CLR1,inpfn.CStr(),TERM_RST); \
01009         std::cout << INP << std::endl;                                        \
01010     }
01012 #define INIT_MAT_INP_(argc, argv,   MAT, INP) \
01013     String inpfn("input.inp");                \
01014     String matfn("materials.mat");            \
01015     bool   verbose  = true;                   \
01016     bool   forcegty = false;                  \
01017     INIT_MAT_INP(argc, argv, inpfn, matfn, verbose, forcegty,   MAT, INP);
01020 #endif // MECHSYS_INPFILE_H
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