Download and Installation

At this time, MechSys is only available for Linux systems. The following installation instructions are for Debian GNU/Linux (unstable) or Ubuntu 11.10 (or newer). Installation on other Linux systems should be straightforward though.

The root of MechSys' Mercurial repository with the source code can be found here:

Table of Contents

Install Mercurial

user@mach: ~ $ sudo apt-get install mercurial

Download MechSys

MechSys should be installed in $MECHSYS_ROOT/mechsys. If the environment variable $MECHSYS_ROOT is not defined, the $HOME directory should be used instead.

user@mach: ~ $ cd $MECHSYS_ROOT
user@mach: ~ $ hg clone

Install Dependencies

Debian packages

MechSys depends on a number of Debian packages. Please check for a list of required packages.

user@mach: ~ $ bash $MECHSYS_ROOT/mechsys/scripts/install_apt_deps.bash

Other packages

A number of other packages, not available in Debian, are required as well. Some are actually available but their versions are not compatible with MechSys. Others are only available via source code. To compile MechSys, these packages must be put in $MECHSYS_ROOT/pkg. The script list all dependencies and can help with their installation. This script will download and compile all code in $MECHSYS_ROOT/pkg and later install some of these packages in the /usr/local directory.

Alternatively, and mainly for the DEM code, just a few libraries need to be compiled/installed. To help with this, the script can be used.

user@mach: ~ $ bash $MECHSYS_ROOT/mechsys/scripts/install_compile_deps.bash

The following output indicates the sucessful compilation and instalation of all dependencies.

Finished ###################################################################

Compile examples and tests

MechSys is a C++ template library; therefore all code is written in .h files. A number of examples and tests can be compiled as shown below:

user@mach: ~ $ cd $MECHSYS_ROOT/mechsys
user@mach: ~/mechsys $ cmake .
user@mach: ~/mechsys $ make
user@mach: ~/mechsys $ make test


Screenshots showing all the installation process (for the DEM code) can be found here: screenshots.