MechSys  1.0
Computing library for simulations in continuum and discrete mechanics
Mesh::Unstructured Member List
This is the complete list of members for Mesh::Unstructured, including all inherited members.
AddLinCells(Array< int > const &IDsOrTags)Mesh::Generic [inline]
AddPin(int VertexIdOrTag)Mesh::Generic [inline]
Adjacency(Array< int > &Xadj, Array< int > &Adjncy, bool Full=false)Mesh::Generic [inline]
BoundingBox(Vec3_t &Min, Vec3_t &Max) const Mesh::Generic [inline]
Check(double Tol=1.0e-3) const Mesh::Generic [inline]
Delaunay(Array< double > const &X, Array< double > const &Y, int Tag=-1)Mesh::Unstructured [inline]
Erase()Mesh::Generic [inline]
FEM2TetFaceMesh::Unstructured [static]
FEM2TetPointMesh::Unstructured [static]
FEM2TriEdgeMesh::Unstructured [static]
FEM2TriPointMesh::Unstructured [static]
FindNeigh()Mesh::Generic [inline]
FindVert(int Tag) const Mesh::Generic [inline]
GenBox(bool O2=false, double MaxVolume=-1.0, double Lx=1.0, double Ly=1.0, double Lz=1.0)Mesh::Unstructured [inline]
Generate(bool O2=false, double GlobalMaxArea=-1, bool Quiet=true, double MinAngle=-1)Mesh::Unstructured [inline]
Generic(int TheNDim)Mesh::Generic [inline]
GenGroundSG(Array< double > const &X, Array< double > const &Y, double FootingLx=-1)Mesh::Generic [inline]
GenGroundSG(size_t Nx, size_t Ny, double Dx=1.0, double Dy=1.0)Mesh::Generic [inline]
GenO2Verts()Mesh::Generic [inline]
GenSector(size_t Nr, size_t Nth, double r, double R, double ThetaRad)Mesh::Generic [inline]
GroundTags(int LTag=-10, int RTag=-10, int BTag=-20, double Tol=1.0e-5)Mesh::Generic [inline]
IsSet() const Mesh::Unstructured [inline]
PartDomain(int NParts, bool Full=false, int *Part=NULL)Mesh::Generic [inline]
PushCell(int Tag, Array< int > const &Con)Mesh::Generic [inline]
PushVert(int Tag, double X, double Y, double Z=0)Mesh::Generic [inline]
Quad4ToTri3(bool BackDiagonal=true)Mesh::Generic [inline]
Quad8ToTri6(bool BackDiagonal=true)Mesh::Generic [inline]
ReadMesh(char const *FileKey, bool IsShell=false)Mesh::Generic [inline]
Refine()Mesh::Generic [inline]
Set(size_t NPoints, size_t NSegmentsOrFacets, size_t NRegions, size_t NHoles)Mesh::Unstructured [inline]
SetBryTag(int iCell, int iEdgeFace, int Tag)Mesh::Generic [inline]
SetCell(int iCell, int Tag, Array< int > const &Con)Mesh::Generic [inline]
SetFac(size_t iFac, int FTag, Array< int > const &VertsOnFace)Mesh::Unstructured [inline]
SetFac(size_t iFac, int FTag, Array< int > const &Polygon1, Array< int > const &Polygon2)Mesh::Unstructured [inline]
SetHol(size_t iHol, double X, double Y, double Z=0.0)Mesh::Unstructured [inline]
SetPnt(size_t iPnt, int PTag, double X, double Y, double Z=0.0)Mesh::Unstructured [inline]
SetReg(size_t iReg, int RTag, double MaxAreaOrVolume, double X, double Y, double Z=0.0)Mesh::Unstructured [inline]
SetSeg(size_t iSeg, int ETag, int L, int R)Mesh::Unstructured [inline]
SetSize(size_t NumVerts, size_t NumCells)Mesh::Generic [inline]
SetVert(int iVert, int Tag, double X, double Y, double Z=0)Mesh::Generic [inline]
TagHorzSegs(int Tag, double y, double xMin, double xMax, double Tol=1.0e-5)Mesh::Generic [inline]
TagSegsLine(int Tag, double x0, double y0, double AlpDeg, double Tol=1.0e-5)Mesh::Generic [inline]
TagVertex(int Tag, int Idx)Mesh::Generic [inline]
TagVertex(int Tag, double x, double y, double z=0.0, double Tol=1.0e-5)Mesh::Generic [inline]
TagVertsLine(int Tag, double x0, double y0, double AlpDeg, double Tol=1.0e-5)Mesh::Generic [inline]
ThrowError(std::istringstream &iss, char const *Message) const Mesh::Generic [inline]
Tri3ToTri6()Mesh::Generic [inline]
Tri6Shape(double r, double s, Vec_t &N) const Mesh::Generic [inline]
Tri6ToTri15()Mesh::Generic [inline]
Unstructured(int NDim)Mesh::Unstructured [inline]
WriteJSON(char const *FileKey) const Mesh::Generic [inline]
WriteMPY(char const *FileKey, bool WithTags=true, bool WithIDs=true, bool WithShares=false, char const *Extra=NULL) const Mesh::Generic [inline]
WritePLY(char const *FileKey, bool Blender=true)Mesh::Unstructured [inline]
WriteVTU(char const *FileKey, int VolSurfOrBoth=0) const Mesh::Generic [inline]
~Generic()Mesh::Generic [inline, virtual]
~Unstructured()Mesh::Unstructured [inline]
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